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crashing during gaming/video problem fixed?

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hi, i havnt been to the site in awhile but a few weeks ago there was a group of people having a problem with gaming/video playback.


my system runs for about 10minutes while gaming and then crashes, no BSOD, no restart, just blackness. the cpu continues running but the monitor cuts out to standby flashing LED. i have not found a way to recover the system so i have to restart.


has there been a fix for this problem yet? last i remember the problem had not been pinpointed, various GPU both ATI and nvidia are affected. could be CPU, ram, or faulty MB.


any further info would really help me out b.c i would like to get this problem finished once and for and and actually start gaming on my GAMING SYSTEM ;) thanks


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now the video crashes instantly, as soon as the publisher screen appears and starts playing video.


i have already done fresh windows install, i didnt install ntune


i bypassed the ups completely and just plugged power supply into wall, i unhooked all the fans besides the cpu, chipset, and gpu fans. i have all 4 power connectors connected, pcp&c is good supply and according to mbm5 and smartguardian the rails are stable.


the system doesnt even hickup when the screen goes out, i really think the computer is still functioning properly but the video card just craps itself and refuses to supply signal to monitor. i got the same results with both DVI and RGB, and if for example DVI crashes i cant manually switch monitor to RGB to recover.


i already checked all the jumpers and there are no beat pins, otherwise the computer runs flawless, no memtest errors, stable in superpi 32m.


im out of ideas, i naturally want to blame the gpu but there have been alot people with the same problem that have switched cards with the same results.

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i just switched gfx card to slot 2 and set jumpers to sli, it was working for about a half hour before it finally crashed, i couldnt get it to work for 2 minutes before in slot 1 though.


my 6600gt video card does not have an additional power slot, it draws all its power from the MB. i really think this is the motherboard not supplying enough power to keep the gpu running. the gpu fan does stay on after the crash so i know the card doesnt die completely



im trying to supply as much info as i can without the original post getting too long and confusing

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I guessing it is the bios settings for your memory, search the forum for settings used by people with your gear. The oc database can get you close just leave the cpu, fsb etc at default.

As far as the power goes you dont list your psu but you are supposed to have all 4 power connectors plugged into the mb.


Also you are less likely to get a reply without a proper sig add everything you have to it and put your location in the right place as well.

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pc power and cooling is very reliable psu and according to the monitors my rail voltages are solid.


this is not overclocked at all it should be not be a problem for that supply, the fact that an entire group of people were having the same issue with this board and apparantly they have not found fix for it makes me want to RMA the board before the powersupply.


changing ram timings has done nothing to fix the problem, memtest is stable for 8 hours. and if the cpu was crashing the sytem would actually be crashing to bsod but its not.


who do i talk to at dfi to go about RMA? so far the tech support has not responded to this thread

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I have a similiar set up as you and my 6600GT works fine (Its even a BFG OC which means its is drawing more power).


You have all power connectors plugged in (molex and floppy on the board ect) and when you initially rebuilt your system with the new DFI MB you did a clean install of Windows correct?

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yes all the power connections are in place and i did fresh windows install thinking it was ntune or the nvidia firewall which may have been causing instability but i got the same results. ive played around with the ram settings alot but right now the dram is set at stock setting so i think 2.6, but stable overclocks on my ram hasnt helped either ive had it up to 3.2, im not using the 5v jumpers

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