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DMM reading point for 12V rail?

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If your PSU has two 12V rails where do you take the reading for the motherboards 12v rail? I know there's a picture of it floating around because I've seen it but I've been searching and I couldn't find it.

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Voltage Measurement points/post ten for images



????? edit, hrm thats the only one Ihave I dont think thats it.


RE Edit : Check davidhammock200's signature in this post ;/link



I knew I saw it somewhere, thought I had the right link.

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Does it matter that my PSU has dual 12V rails? Or would they both have the same voltage?


EDIT: Ah you beat me to the post. I feel like they might be different but they should be from the same source so I'm not sure. That's why I wanted to check the ATX connector.


While I'm on the topic anyone know where to check on a 6800GT?

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think dual rail may be a bit deceptive in this case. I believe both 12V rails are generated from a single source. I would expect the same voltage from all 12v lines.


Not exactly, without being technical they start at the same source and then go through their own 'gateway', making the rails somewhat independant of each other. They will vary slightly. for example see:




a bit of info about dual lines here:



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i call the 12v1 the cpu 12v which i read from the 4 pin atx connector by the main. use any black ground and wiggle the probe into one of the yellows.


the 12v2 can be read from any other yellow. i use a 4 pin molex ususally.


there isn't much difference between the 2, .04 maybe on my units.


according to antec, thats the way the rails are broken, 12v1 for cpu and 12v2 for everything else.

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