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Can't quite install windows

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I've searched several times for a solution to this problem...


So I got some new parts and I thought I'd start setting things up. Everything appears to be working properly and I can get most of the way through a windows xp install.

The hangup happens after the installation segment with the 40 minute countdown. The computer restarts and then I don't boot from CD. The screen goes black and the computer restarts again. Then it tells me that windows wasn't restarted properly, gives me all the safe mode choices, so I pick one, the screen goes black and the computer restarts again and again, and again.

I've tried safe mode and normal mode.

I've tried installing again.

I've tried running the RAM normally and way below spec. (It passes memtest either way)

The problem is very consistent, same point every time. There's a little 'pop sound right before it reboots.

I don't have access to a floppy drive, could this be BIOS related?

I think I've exhausted everything I can think of.

Any ideas? Post em and I'll probably try em.

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I had same probs, just kept trying till i did go all the way!


Had to put my memory into dimms 1 & 2 kept it like this for a while until i had more time to figure out why i could not boot up in dual channel mode dimms 2 & 4 orange ones, any way after uping the voltage it and swapping sticks about got it to boot, but not all the time, it would take 3 to 4 goes to boot, sometimes not even posting, anyway updated bios today and seems to be ok now, but not even that went perfect! still it fine now fingers crossed, any more probs and i'll bin it for an asus mobo!

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Unplug the drive that is not getting an install. (use only one of the two whichever is the primary and then add the other one after the install.)


You NEED to update your bios. links to dfi.tw in stickys.


You can look in bios forum and find a bootable ISO/cd with ALL bios version on it and use it to flash your bios. Its hosted a a server "indiannabasement" and in post three of one of the sticky posts I think.

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I had the same probs 2day to!


what i did was check all the bios settings like which HD to boot from what cd rom to boot form 1st etc. make sure that its all as it should be, insert ur xp disc in and try again!


i have too say it took me a couple of goes to get it to boot up today, im still having a few issues but the seem to solve them self, its almost like it need to be run in or something! Anyway its 02:00 hrs here that means bedtime 4 me, check on u l8rs just chill and dont let it beat ya! :D b4n

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Do you only have 1 hd connected to the mb during install?


Yep, just the raptor.


I guess I'll try another install. Getting desperate after 6 hours.

I'm not using any driver disks pre-install like I did on my nforce2. I'd like to try one (non-RAID) What should I use?

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very well could be the "cheap stuff". Read the memory guide, and/or search for that ram, maybe someone has some known working settings for a starting place.

Also, I'm not positive about this...but it seems like I remember Angry and some others talking about problems with those seasonic psu's. Try a search on this as well to confirm.

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Ok, third install attempt done. This time it got to the Windows XP screen with the little loading bar and then rebooted. (and rebooted and rebooted)


I forgot to mention something very important:

I had win2k on there prior to upgrading my hardware. I was expecting to have to reformat coming off my LP NF2, but I tried starting up on the new hardware just for kicks. It started up fine and just detected a ton of new devices, so I don't think the issue is with the RAM or PSU.


Gonna ask again: Is there a SATA non-raid driver I can use from a floppy at the start of the windows install?

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Have you done a complete format before doing any OS install's yet? I see you said it started up fine, but still not advisable to do. Don't do the "quick" format offered to you during xp install either. Do the complete one.

Sorry I don't know about the non-raid sata driver...

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I did a full format the first time, quick formats thereafter. Going for number 4! Full format this time too. I'm beginning to think that installing a new windows was a horrible idea to begin with.

Maybe I'll plug my NF2 back in, format to XP, install nothing, then swap back to the NF4.

Brilliant! I'll be up all night, too.

Thanks for all the advice, btw.

I wonder if I'll get any 'official support' any time soon, I'm gonna bump this sucker for so long.

But yeah, keep those ideas coming!

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