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Broken cpu??

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I was overclocking a bit when my system crash't and now i refuses to boot.


I had rised the fsb to 240MHz and lowerd the HTT x4 I dident raise the cpu voltage but I had raised the memory voltage to 3,0 and it workt before I raised the fsb to 240.


When i booted it went in to windows and when i started the cpu-z it just shut down an it smelld burnt. I have tried the memmorys and they work fine. The memory leds are lite.


The four leds (red) flash ones when an try to start but then it shuts down. I have tried to clear the Cmos and i have tried the safe boot but it wont even post.


I will leave it whit the battery out to night but it dont feel like it will help.


I don't see why I could have burnt the cpu because it wasen't that high was it??


Pardon my bad English

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Okej I will check for burn marks. do you have any tips on were too look? Exept the cpu?? i will check that rigt away.



I would look everywhere.. around the cpu pins.. Check the mobo around components..When your taking it apart look around to see if there are any bare wires that might have grounded out on something ..


The only reason im suggesting this is because you smelled something when it shut down..

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I have done what you said but i diden't find any burn marks. Not on the cpu and not on the motherboard. I did remove the grafic card but it dident help it reacts the same as before.

I was reading another thread and he had broken his cpu. I hope it is the cpu that is broken and not the Motherboard. Anyway have any thought on why (if it is the cpu) I broke it?? As I said 240 fsb and HTT x4 it should be 1960MHz?? It is 1800 original so..... =( And with original vcore. The Bios showd a Cpu temp at 30 C so I don't think i could be heat that kill it.


Ps. The reason I think I smellt it was probably because I was sitting next to it and with no doors on...the exaust fan blowing almost on me. Just saying that in a normal case i wouldent have smelld anything.

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Try to set it up on a anti-static bag outside of the case.


From what I understand using a static bag to run your mobo on is a BAD idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but those bags are somewhat conductive. Much better idea to run it on that piece of foam that came in the box instead.

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From what I understand using a static bag to run your mobo on is a BAD idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but those bags are somewhat conductive. Much better idea to run it on that piece of foam that came in the box instead.



Hmmm.. Ive done that before and didnt kill anything ...


I guess use the foam then.. maybe I just got lucky.. :confused:




Thanks for setting me straight on that RGone and craneman.. sorry, bad advice from me.. but you learn something new everyday..

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"craneman" I think you are exactly correct. The outer surface depending ON the bag in use and composition will in fact be conductive to channel static charge away from the mobo inside. If the bag was turned inside out then of course that would be entirely a different matter. The foam is for sure a better choice since they shipped the board sitting on it. Be careful though sitting it on the foam if you run off the jP17 jumpered to 4.0V for memory or it will get very hot and burn the foam and oh well you get the picture.




From what I understand using a static bag to run your mobo on is a BAD idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but those bags are somewhat conductive. Much better idea to run it on that piece of foam that came in the box instead.

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From what I understand using a static bag to run your mobo on is a BAD idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but those bags are somewhat conductive. Much better idea to run it on that piece of foam that came in the box instead.


You are right. Anti-Static bags are designed to allow static to flow around the outside of the bag to keep it from going through the bag.


I would never set a electronic component on top of a anti-static bag. Your just asking for trouble if you do.

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As I said 240 fsb and HTT x4 it should be 1960MHz?? It is 1800 original so..... =( And with original vcore.


The HTT multi is not the cpu multi. These are two totally different things. I'm not sure if you really meant the CPU/FSB ratio or not. And 240 x 4 = 960 not 1960.

If you meant your cpu multi was on x4 then your cpu frequency would be 960mhz.

If the cpu multi was at default (x9 for your cpu), then 240x9= 2160. If this was the case, then I doubt that this little overclock would fry it, but stranger things have happened. This is why they have rated speeds, and don't warranty things that have been pushed outside the spec limits. We're all really taking a chance with anything over stock.

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As I said 240 fsb and HTT x4 it should be 1960MHz?? It is 1800 original so..... =( And with original vcore. The Bios showd a Cpu temp at 30 C so I don't think i could be heat that kill it.


if you can get into the bios the set it up to default settings and start again, may be you cooked something else! goodluck!

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