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2.4c @3.6 Pc4000 500mhz

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I was very surprised myself at the temps it was hitting. Took me looking at it 2 or 3 times to belive it. Memory times for the Kingston HyperX PC4000 dual channel are 3-4-4-8-T1. They are a pretty much overclocked version of their 3200 that runs at 2-3-3-6-T1 but tested at 500mhz and dual channel. Let me go get the WCPUID pic right now for u guys to see.


The V7+ works great with this cpu. Stock 2.4C will run about 32-34 full load atleast with my setup and @ 3.6 about 38-46 full load which was also surprising considering i was running 1.825 Vcore stable. Temps will vary from cpu to cpu and case to case. U woudl be suprised at what a v7+ can do.


Unfortunatly the P4p800 deluxe doesn't have the actual mem to cpu ratio but what from i calculate the memory is running right around 500-505mhz not really an overclock on the mem though that is the only downfall. but the cpu was excellent.


WCPUID ScreenShot @ 1200FSB!

Memory Benchmark @ 500mhz Dual Channel no PAT or MAM


Well there u go posted them on my site. Take a look!!

Edited by Will Smith

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Pit or Will...


Lets see the post!!!!



Correct me if I am wrong but according to your specs should you not be running at 5082.5mhz instead of 4gigs?




Now I am very tired and I may be missing something but I was just curious.


I would really like to see this screenshot with a V7+ too, that kind of overclock is impressive. :)

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1070X15 (P4 Multipule) = 16,500


Remember everthing is quad pumped so devide by 4.


16,500/4 = 4.0125 Ghz to be exact!!! 37%, and I worked like crap to get it, hell I'm on vapor cooling!!!


On a 2.6 + 37% it's right at 3.6.... Thats just very good for anyone!!!! I don't doubt the numbers I just want to know if they have any tricks!!!!


I never would have made 4.01 without the vapor, I just wonder what they may have found!!

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He wasn't talking about your numbers he was talking about mine.... I'm running a 3.0C and it's at 15... He was questioning my 1070 FSB numbers.... He was using 19 as a multipule, but I'm not sure why!!

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i know bro I wasn't thinking when i posted lol. I don't know why u would buy a 3.0 to o/c with. all the 800fsb cpu are the exact same processor it just that intel has locked in a diff multiplier on them. Your better of going with a 2.4C and hitting a nice high fsb with some good mem since they have pretty much the same overhead limit from the 2.4 - 3.2 . No real sense in spending 500 bucks more when ur gonna o/c it just doesn't make sense.

Edited by Will Smith

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I've had three MB in this thing trying to move up, but no luck....

MB #1 IC7-G it's a winner!!! My 4.01 score

MB#2 Gigabyte... 3.83 and it topped out.... It also lost the 3.3 V leg!!! Sent back.

MB#3 Chaintech, got the sucka was crap!!!! 3.4 was it!!!!!


I can go over 4.01 but it wont stay stable if I stress it!!!!


3d MArk 01 is 19,800!!!


This thing really rocks, I will say thou that I need to add more air to the room, it's makes HUGE heat and I get hot as hell with all the systems running.... My beast makes more heat than the other three together!! The case is real cool, the PSU just poors heat out of the case like a Fu _ _ er!!!!

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Intresting I wonder if any of the new boards that are coming out would give you better results of course its hard to tell if its just the board that is the problem. :)

Edited by bosco

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Actuaaly, I was thinking about an AC unit... Thye make small window vented ones and I was thinking about running that into the case and venting out the window, I think the wife is gonna be pissed at that one thou!!!


I've got a 3.2C that I'm putting in it. Hope to run at 4.38!!!

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Actuaaly, I was thinking about an AC unit... Thye make small window vented ones and I was thinking about running that into the case and venting out the window, I think the wife is gonna be pissed at that one thou!!!


I've got a 3.2C that I'm putting in it. Hope to run at 4.38!!!

Wife getting mad!!!! Been there done that we never learn :lol: I remember not that long ago trying to explain how I blew up 5 2.53 Intels in a 3 days trying to get over 3200mhz :rolleyes:

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