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I Need This Fan

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I was surfing mods and found this fan an i would like to get it for my machine, but i cant find it!!!! Dose ant one know whrer i can buy this??

Edited by BlueDragon

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That looks like it came from a mod MNPCTech did...


it's not a fan you can buy, its something he made...


not sure exactly what he used, but shouldn't take more than this:

1 fan duct

1 fan

1 cone

some paint



Bill (MNPCTech) uses the same fans on several of his cases.... you could probably ask him what he did. He's cool, and would probably help... or even make some for you.

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That looks like it came from a mod MNPCTech did...


it's not a fan you can buy, its something he made...


not sure exactly what he used, but shouldn't take more than this:

1 fan duct

1 fan

1 cone

some paint



Bill (MNPCTech) uses the same fans on several of his cases.... you could probably ask him what he did. He's cool, and would probably help... or even make some for you.


he makes some badd a@s modded cases

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Looks similar to mine, I used a 'Bass Port' as the duct and a Airfix nose cone. The rear of the 'duct' is quite flexable, making eight cuts (every 45o) to the rear of the duct, applying heat and bending the cut sections back allowed for a mounting surface to the fan. I mounted mine using fan screws, however as you may find this can cause some nasty vibrations, some nylon washers sorted me out. Saying that There is nothing stopping you just butting the duct up to the fan making sure you use plenty of strong glue to hold the lip of the duct to the outer case. Chances are, if I was to do another this is what I would do.


I'm starting to wish I never sold my last case, was one of the best mods I've done.


Good Luck

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Thanks for the Info I emailed Bill at www.mnpctech.com and he emailed me a link with a tool list Product list and step by step directions on the fan i should be starting this project some time in sept when school grants come in $$$$ later and i will photo the project to post.

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I'll make you all a guide I'm modding a case that is gonna have one similair to the one he did. A client of mine saw it on his site and wanted me to make one for him so I guess I'm gonna atempt it but I doubt it will look as sweet as his do. But if your good with bondo and auto paint you should be able to do it no problem yourself. I'll post the directions with pics on my website if I ever get ti fixed since I f-ed it up the other day.

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