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IHS removed question, Will this HSF work??


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So I just went and bought this badboy because I'm a feen for speed and this chip hasn't satisfied me yet. Will this work or should I take it back and get a different one??


Thanks in advance to all my wonderful friends at the Street!! <--did that sound soft?? I'm not being soft I sware!!



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I had a CNPS7000-CU and it weighed a TON. I dont know how heavy the ALCU is but I would worry abought weight on the core with the CU. Should be ok if not to heavy.


Anybody else have one on a naked core?

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you guys going naked are nuts. ive done extreme stuff to my hardware, but never a blade to a working 500 dolalr chip :(


i should try it sometime. in fact. ill be right back. if im not back within 2 hours, we all know something went wrong! :| then drop an xp90c on it, lol :(

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WoL-Shiver, I hope I caught you in time. I would do alittle research before you try this.


#1. You need a special blade DO NOT USE AN EXACTO KNIFE!!! Get a pack of Gillette double sided razors from a pharmacy or the like. Be carefull. Tape up one side as not to carve yourself up. They are so sharp you dont even feel it.


#2. If you soak your chip upside down in a adheasive remover called solvoplast, it will soften the bonding agent used to hold your IHS on.


#3. Do not go to deep. There are resistors on the otherside of the IHS. Probably less than 8mm will get the blade in deep enough.


#4. Go slow. No need to rush.


I just was made aware of a thread were a guy borked a FX-57 by not knowing what he was doing, and using a Xacto Knife. That would suck royal

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Erm. Not sure if Zalman is good for "naked" setup. Look at this one:



As much as I hate Thermaltake, I must admit that BT is actually not that bad. It's really quiet (something that you don't normally expect from Tt) and it's held in place by screws.


Screws IMHO are your best bet if you gonna run naked. Much less chance to damage CPU while mounting. Basically you tighten one side a little, then another side a little and so on...

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Ok so I went out and got this one HERE and as I'm looking at it it definately looks like this one will work. It has screws and several mounting brackets, and looks totally adjustable. This is also the lightest one that my local computer shop had. @675g, versus 692g and 748g. My friend also has this one and it cools his CPU very well. Has a 120mm fan and also has mounting for a second, 80mm or 120mm on the other side. I know everyone hates TT but I think cooling wise and especially air, they have got it covered.



Now about the cracking the CPU core. What is the best way to avoid this? How tight should this all be? One thing you will have is the actual tightness of the screws, and the other being the wieght of the cooler....the wieght of the cooler is always going to give one side of the CPU more pressure, correct?? Any advice on this would be excellent.





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all i can say is when i distroyed my old AMD Duron 1.4 GHz chip, it took a LOT of pressure with a vice to break the center core of it.


that not being said to make you more careless.


haha when i broke my VIA K8 chipset on my old Pine XFX motherboard, i took a standard tip screwdrivers (flat head) to it, and tried to chizzle it off, haha the thing took a few minutes to rip off. =]


back years ago when Duron was popular, the motherboard i had was literally made of concrete.


too bad in todays world they arent that strong anymore, one little flick and a capacator is knocked off.

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i have a TT like that but i replaced the fan for a....tornado...

it was good enough to "hold" my caa2c for 2 weeks until the WC arrived at 1,5 v


the base has a poor finish ....but will do the thing...just replace the damm fan.....its good for intake :rolleyes:

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So I did it and not to impressed. Same overclocks as before with a little higher temps, around 2-3C. So I'll be going back to my trusty Freezer64 tomorrow. Just gonna get water later. Don't really like the mounting on this thing either. Only has 2 bolting points, when I feel it should have 4. Just because of how much downward motion it has. Also having that fan(witch doesn't do much) on there is heavy too. So gonna put the IHS back on tomorrow.



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