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Some help please

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Ok got it all built, got it to post everything looked good. Shut it down to reboot and put floppy in to reflash bios going to 623-3 and now I got nothing no leds at all not even a blink if. I was to guess it sure seems like PSU died? The power/reset on board button do nothing either its a dang ghost town in there. Well annyway to be sure did the DFI 8 hour CMOS reset and same story. Is anyone sure of which pins in my PSU I can jumper to verify if its the board or my PSU the schematic isnt very clear at all! BTW the PSU is new as well as the board. Any suggestions are appreciated.




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Stephen C YOU ARE DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks thats just what I needed. My enermax IS DOA, Elvis has left the building!!! The ship done sailed...............wooo hooo!! Well gotto go get a PSU and Ill RMA this one. Stephen If I ever see you I will buy you the adult beverage of yous choice!!!!LOL


Thanks again


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I was gonna say make sure to check that you didn't accidently flip the switch on the back of the PSU, I did that once by accident when I was plugging it back in, and when nothing would turn on I got really worried...

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yea I ran this test with the PSU plugged into the wall and surge protector which is relatively new to verify shes a goner. You know the PSU had an a funny smell even when I opened the box almost a burnt smell maybe I got sent someone RMA. Ive built a number of boxes and nevr had anthing like this happen and I have always used enermax with no prob. Oh well luck of the draw I guess.


Thank you again Stephen!

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