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First post, some ?'s, and some comments

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Story :This last Dec. I had invested in a rig from Ibuypower, and being nothing short of impressed with the amd 64's, I decided it was time to upgrade to bigger and better things. So last week I did a full system overhaul, and did it DFI style. I went from a foxconn 754 board, and a amd athlon 64 2800+, to a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra-D, and a 3200+ venice. This site has been invaluable in learning all there is to know about these boards; I flashed my bios from 3/10/05 to 6/23/05 no problem, and learned alot about the daunting at first bios settings. Anyway just wanted to say thanks alot to this board and its memebers.


Anyway heres the real reason why im posting, i had a couple of questions. I run speedfan 4.25, and check my temps whenever i feel curious, and im wondering a little about the temp readings I get. In the bios, under pc/health I read CPU temp : ~ 28-32c, PWR somthing, at ~30-36c, and then Chipset Temp, that idles ~45-47c. In speed fan I can view Temp 1, 2, and 3, as well as my hdd temps (which both seem to idle at 31-33c), and Temps 1, 2 and 3 match to within a degree or so, the ones i would get if i rebooted and checked bios immediately, so am I right in assuming temps 1, 2, and 3 are CPU temp, PWR something temp, and Chipset temp respectively? And do those temps sound good, or should I concern myself with getting them lower....anyway thanks in advance, and once again, great site.



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I'd say those temps look pretty darn good! Most notably the cpu temp.

I would assume the same, with the 1,2,3 thing.

And so I'm a little curious, are you at stock settings for your cpu with those temps, or have you OC'd?

I don't have all the cooling, I'm OC'd, and run temp's around 50, which is supposed to be ok. not great, but atleast ok.

Are you completely up, running, and stable?

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I wish I had temps as low as that.


Mine idle:


CPU 40

Chipset 50





CPU 45

Chipset 57



My machine is slightly overclocked from 1800 to 2500, although stock speed has similar temps

because i've not needed to up my voltage much.

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Yes, I am running at stock settings, I plan to overclock a little, but I use the computer for a desktop music studio, audio editing, and some video editing, and to me, stability is too important to really mess around with overclocking. Ive been up and running for 5 days now, two of those with new bios, and all of those with complete stability. Also no errors in any of the memtest cycles Ive done :D, so I hope to be stable for a long time after too.

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Speedfan 4.25 is a very good program. Highly recommended by many. The author keeps it up to date and has added numerous enhancements to the latest version.

Check out the home page and at the bottom you'll see who he gives thanks to, Alexander Van Kaam, the author of MBM 5.


ITE's SmartGuardian is also a very good program (after all they make the sensors). It's included on the DFI setup CD and available for download from www.dfi.com.tw site. It does NOT currently work with a 64 bit OS like SpeedFan and MBM5.


The beauty of MBM5 is that it is so easy to customize. And many have been usng a version of it for years. Unfortunately AVK stopped development of the program over a year ago, in June 2004. He cited the difficulty of getting information from various motherboard suppliers and NDA's as the reason. So current boards require more than a little work to come up with the correct settings and labeling of sensors. Trial and error if you will. ATITool allows the reading of ATI VC temps and Forum member _xhp_ finally has cracked the reading of NVidia card temps so they can be displayed in MBM5 as well. I give it a "nerd rating" of 5 stars.


None are as accurate as a Digital Multimeter, but they are a lot less hassle. Try them all and see which you like best. Use only one program at a time as they don't play well together.

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