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Hyper Threaded

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Posts posted by Hyper Threaded

  1. I'm not going toread every single post, so I don't know if this has already been stated. The context in which the second amendment to the US Constituion is written, does not grant every citizen the right to own a gun. This is something created by the NRA, the Constitution has it under the context of a well-regulated militia. This simply does not translate to "everyone gets to own a gun", it's simply false. If the Constitution were strictly followed, only government agencies would be allowed to have guns; IE well-regulated militias.


    At this point, the NRA does not represent responsible gun ownership either, they are group of lobbyists supporting gun manufacturers. They give untold amounts of money to politicians, in order to buy influence and stem any sort of reasonable gun control. To them, every idiot is a potential customer, whether they are fit to own and operate a gun safely or not.


    Turned out to be a bit of a rant, f-it.

  2. This is the system I built late last year, we had an electrical surge that took out the motherboard and PSU from my old build. I've been using this system since late 2011 and just never got 'round to posting it here. Some bits like HDDs, fans and the case have been carried over. I will most likely be changing out the older Samsung drive to a larger one and adding another 1tb Seagate. I would like to change the case but, I've yet to see another one that meets or exceeds the P182 for my needs so, it stays for now. I might do some modding to it later, all in the pursuit of quieter operation and lower temperatures.


    CPU: i5 2500k @ 4.2ghz
    RAM: g.skill 4gb ripjaws ddr3 1600
    MOBO: ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
    VID: HD6950 @ 850/1300 (for now)
    SOUND: Auzen X-Fi Prelude
    PSU: Seasonic X-560
    HDD: Seagate 1tb :: Samsung 500gb
    CASE: Antec P182 w/window
    COOLING: Panaflo 120x38mm medium-speed 2x :: SanAce 120x25mm high-speed :: Thermalright Venomous X/ Delta 120x38mm low-speed

    FAN CONTROL: Lamptron FC-5 V2






  3. I've never seen wire that thin used for in the wall application, it needs to be 12-14 gauge. Since this is your first adventure into home audio, your best bet is go with an HTIB system. You can learn from that and decide where to go next. Systems from Onkyo have everything, except the cables and are reasonably priced. Wiring the speakers is pretty simple, just cut to length and strip both ends.



  4. CPU: i5 2500k @ 4.2ghz

    RAM: g.skill 4gb ripjaws ddr3 1600

    MOBO: ASUS P8P67 Deluxe

    VID: HD6950 @ 850/1300 (for now)

    SOUND: Auzen X-Fi Prelude

    SPEAKERS: Energy C-50

    PSU: Seasonic X-560

    HDD: Seagate 500gb :: Samsung 500gb SATAII :: Samsung 1tb

    CASE: Antec P182 w/window

    COOLING: Panaflo 120x38mm medium-speed 2x :: Panaflo 120x25mm medium/low :: Thermalright Venomous X/ Delta 120x38mm low-speed

    MONITOR: Dell S2330 MX

    KEYBOARD/MOUSE:: Logitech MX5500


    Country: US

  5. Great day for America. The one shred of regulation that makes private insurance companies do their damn job, has been upheld. The bill as a whole is too corporatist, but it's our first go at any sort of reform. Without it, the private insurance industry will continue to rip people off and not provide care.


    I'm not going to get involved with the idiots who say it's socialism or some other stupid "ism". You know you're full of a certain brown substance.

  6. I immediately thought of injecting horse steroids when I saw the thread title. To my surprise and delight, this thread is actually about fruit juice. While I can't afford a proper juicer, I always look for juice with nothing added. The "Simply" range of juice is pretty good, I drink one bottle of their apple juice weekly.

  7. I'm an outspoken anti-theist, but I can't quite come to grips with telling mum about it. She may know already, religion is one of those topics I just never bring up at home. I've said some things disregarding beliefs I find absurd (magic Mormon underwear, talking snake, etc), though I'm not sure if she makes the connection.

  8. You do realize we lack "proof" on quite bit of our scientific data, right? Scientists believe things that are no where close to being proven yet. At best we have scientific data that supports certain beliefs. Even proving things in a court system isn't 100%. There is almost always some doubt. At some point you have to make a judgement call.




    You see, that's the problem I have. Millions of people have the god delusion, they believe what the church tells them, without question. Just because something isn't completely known, you don't defer to god.

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