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Hyper Threaded

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Posts posted by Hyper Threaded


    . Screaming that the only solution is more guns.

    That's a pretty big mischaracterization IMO.  A lot of emotion on the anti side, but the pro 2A side is just playing defense while trying to be sensitive about a national tragedy.  The main message isn't more guns, it's let's not overreact and deny millions of law abiding citizens their rights with no proof that it will work.  The NRA message (not screaming) is armed guards in schools, which sounds like more guns, but is more about increasing security in a sensitive area through law enforcement agencies.  Most gun rights advocates just want to not lose ground. 



    Not really. By contrast, the gun control advocates have been the rational ones. That is, when the gun nuts actually let them speak. They're often so full of themselves that they cannot believe someone would even suggest... a law that doesn't affect them in any way.

  2. I think Obama has been more than reasonable on this issue, to be perfectly honest. He faces an often irrational opposition that refuses to co-operate at all. Screaming that the only solution is more guns. Being president, it must be difficult to compromise and attempt to please them.

  3. Obama has said nothing about taking guns away. All the new laws do is gather data. Unless you're a dribbling lunatic or a criminal, you will still be able to buy guns just as you do now. For the record, the supreme court already ruled on what the second amendment grants you, either a shotgun or a pistol to protect your property.


    I really think some of the people here are living in some kind of bubble. Reality isn't getting in.

  4. One issue that I think hasn't been thoroughly touched on; gun trafficking. Since we do have a border with Mexico, a third-world country with much more crime and corruption, it is reasonable to presume many of the illegal weapons here come from there. What is necessary is some alliance with Mexico, to get them to crack down on gun trafficking. The main issue with that as I see it, is that much of the revenue comes from drug dealing, so the Mexican government sort of bats an eye at it. No matter how you look at it, there is a stream of illegal weapons coming to the US. Whether it comes from our side or Mexico's side, something needs to be done about it.


    I still think more needs to be done on our side to stop nutters like James Yeager, but there is more to it than just that.

  5. Just look at our ever increasing police state and pseudo-military police force. Do you seriously think a hobo  with a shotgun has a chance against that? You've got to be out of your mind if you think that. Don't think either that the police or military will protect your rights. Those people are employed by the government, part of the machine.

  6. You made a spark go off, what if we had the right to drive?  Even though driving is a necessity for most, not everyone is exactly fit to do it. Would you defend their rights, knowing full well those people would be a danger to society?

  7. I know not all gun owners are morons, but you guys get the absolute worst people to represent yourselves. The advocates create a perfect caricature that liberals love to hate. All they do is make a case to prove more gun control is needed. Some people enjoy going to a shooting range, want to protect their house or go hunting, I get that. What I don't get is why mentally unstable people should be afforded the same right as others. People get too hung up on the constitutional right, without focusing on what they actually support.




    When I say I'm an advocate for gun control, it does mean taking away certain things like high capacity clips/drums. I am an advocate for stronger background checks and closing of certain loopholes, such as the gun show exception. More about controlling who gets to use guns, than taking away a right (that I disagree with and is misinterpreted often). Whether or not you want to admit it, there are certain people who should not have guns. I think it's ridiculous to attempt to argue that mentally unstable people should be able to own and operate a gun. Yet, this is exactly what I see people on the right wing trying to do.

    Can you explain the "gun show exception" loophole. I honestly don't know what people mean when they say that.


    There is an exception to the useless background check, if you go through a gun show. In that instance, any old person can just walk up and buy any gun at all. Thank the NRA for that.




    Not here you can't they still have to do the check....


    I have a very close friend that owned a gun shop and was at a trade show... he sold a gun and didnt do the required check....a week later that gun was used by the person that bought it to shoot and kill two cops....


    My friend went to jail for 5 years for failing to do the background check....he did more time than the guy who bought the gun and shot two cops


    I think it's down to the state or region how they apply gun laws exactly. This is another one of my problems with the current gun legislation. If you don't like the gun laws where you live, just go to a different state with looser regulation.


    When I say I'm an advocate for gun control, it does mean taking away certain things like high capacity clips/drums. I am an advocate for stronger background checks and closing of certain loopholes, such as the gun show exception. More about controlling who gets to use guns, than taking away a right (that I disagree with and is misinterpreted often). Whether or not you want to admit it, there are certain people who should not have guns. I think it's ridiculous to attempt to argue that mentally unstable people should be able to own and operate a gun. Yet, this is exactly what I see people on the right wing trying to do.

    Can you explain the "gun show exception" loophole. I honestly don't know what people mean when they say that.


    There is an exception to the useless background check, if you go through a gun show. In that instance, any old person can just walk up and buy any gun at all. Thank the NRA for that.

  10. When I say I'm an advocate for gun control, it does mean taking away certain things like high capacity clips/drums. I am an advocate for stronger background checks and closing of certain loopholes, such as the gun show exception. More about controlling who gets to use guns, than taking away a right (that I disagree with and is misinterpreted often). Whether or not you want to admit it, there are certain people who should not have guns. I think it's ridiculous to attempt to argue that mentally unstable people should be able to own and operate a gun. Yet, this is exactly what I see people on the right wing trying to do.

  11. I would love to see the Flying Spaghetti Monster rise from the great pasta bowl in the sky and greet me with his noodly presence. If theists get their imaginary sky fairy, I get to have FSM. It's not as though either can be disproven. Seriously, I voted to carry on a usual. Why would you think anything else would happen?

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