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Posts posted by TCcomputers29

  1. What about the entusiasts who have custom WC ? Will they have to fork out extra money for a normal chip with a fancier stock cooler thats not going to be used ?

    It sounds kinda stupid but if they have a normal model CPU with a normal heatsink (for the enthusiasts) and then another CPU of the same model with the water cooler for extra (for overclockers who arent so extreme) then I dont see a problem ....


    Until a whole tidal wave of noobies buy the model with the watercooler to look more awesome and be able to say "I haz watercooling" and then they screw up the instalation thereby spilling water all over their components and causing everything to short when it is switched on and then blaming AMD :lol:

    exactly! :thumbsup: , would the warranty cover incorrect installation?

    pre filled water cooling warranty is only 24months on corsair's Hydro series and amd's current CPUs have a 3year warranty so hows that going to work?

  2. take a step back and think about what you are saying for a minute it sounds cool, but does it sound cheap and affordable? if you were going to compete against the world's largest processor manufacturer would you want to artificially inflate the price of your product? and in regards to warranty issues, does it sound like it would be a liability? from what source did you hear this rumor? definitely the heatsink connection could be new, but as for packaging water cooling in a small fan with a processor, idk about that. perhaps someone saw a mock up or demo of a production concept model

    agreed! why would they give a water cooler for a stock heatsink?

    1. to expensive

    2. warranty (leaking etc)

  3. Yes, I concur. They just rebrand things and jack up the price...


    @TCcomputers29, Don't get the 6790. A 6770 will be awesome, as well as have DX11 capabilities unlike 5770 while they are virtually the same price. $119 and a $20 rebate which makes it $99. (although I hate MIRs, never really liked them.) Sapphire 6770


    I used to be a huge nVidia fan, always bought their GPUs but had to jump on the 5770 last year because 1) my 8800gtx broke and 2) it was on sale for $119. I have no complaints with this AMD card. It is my first videocard under $200 and I am blown away by its performance.


    If you want to play BF3 on a fairly high setting, I would suggest a 6850 or a Geforce 560 or higher, but it's all up to you :)

    do you think the 6770 would be able to play BF3?

    thanks :thumbsup:

  4. Not that the card is bad, it's just not suited for gaming. In the line-up, the 68xx and 69xx range is more suited for gaming. With AMD, the higher the second number, the higher in the range you are.

    It got pretty good frames per sec on most games about 5-10 from the 6850, what about the 550ti or gts 450 would they be good?

  5. 6950 without a doubt dude.. u can add another one.. or 3 to it if ud like and im pretty sure the 6850s dont allow more than 2? correct me someone if im wrong

    your right, it can only support 2 cards in CF so i'll get the 6950 and as a bonus it is now $219...YEAH! :biggrin:

  6. 5770 isnt anywhere near on par with the 6850.. in most cases the 6850 is on par with the old 5850.. which destroys a 5770..



    heres a review on it... theres plenty out there





    as for gaming card.. id have to go with a no.. its not a gaming card, but then that all depends on what resolution ur going to play.. but its not a strong card so dont expect magic from it or detail in games..


    sorry, i actually meant, that the 6790 is near par with the 6850

    the resolution will be an 18.5 inch monitor

  7. Hi guys/girls,

    is the 6790 a good gaming card? will this card be able to play games like Civ 5 and BF3 ect. (for my bro)

    i was going to get a 5770 but this recently can out and looks good :) and also i heard was near par with the 6850?

    and is sapphire a good choice for the 6790?

    Thanks...again :)


  8. Hi guys/girls,

    Haven’t been on this site for ages, I was spending a lot of time deciding on whether to get two gigabyte 6850s or one 1gb powercolor 6950 (since it’s only $225).

    Can you tell me which is better in games like BF: BC2 etc., and compatibility with programs and games.

    And I would like to know if I should get the gigabyte 990FXA-UD7 or Asus Sabertooth 990FX…tough one!

    Thanks in advance :)


  9. Personally I dont care if they compete with Intel on that basis or not. Where AMD really shines is cost versus performance and Heat versus watts used. For Portable computing (laptops, netbooks and tablets) you cannot beat AMD. they run cooler, Quieter and consume much less power. that is a big plus in the mobile communities.

    this is true. i have a AMD and Intel laptop. the AMD's max temp was 62*C and the intel's max temp was 75*C while making a 1080p movie maker video :biggrin:

    the intel laptop is really noisey but the AMD is silent when idle. :whoa:

  10. You mean like a whole new rig right? Yeah Ive been thinking on it, just like those upgrades but either way, theres no real reason behind to upgrade as all my games run fine atm.


    If Diablo 3 and Skyrim is sluggish on my current setup on med-high settings, then ill think about it ;)


    I do concur though, AMD setups are freakin "bang for the buck" right now.


    if you have any probs or your pc dies consider AMD, trust me they are bang for buck you can buy a 955 for $100 or even less :biggrin:

    AMD phenom II X4 955 CPU is a great choice but i'm going to upgrade to a bulldozer...soon :thumbsup:

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