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Posts posted by TCcomputers29

  1. if 8GB isn't enough then I think 2x 8GB module would be better.

    Reasons: 1. You will get two extra slots for any future up-gradation.

    2. More RAM means more power consumption by them (specially while overclocking), so overclocking potential of the CPU comes down a bit. Although you use Phemon II 955. So, 4x4 or 2x8 config won't be too much different to differentiate.

    i think ill get the 2 x8gb, for upgrade ability


  2. Thats going to be a close race there. Sorry but to tell you properly what one would perform better and where I would need them both tested and in front of me to do so. I know the 500r is a good case as we have reviewed that one but not its little brother. Honest to god I think both the cases are nearly the same except for minor features and differences. MINOR i suggest IMHO. What one looks better to you??

    thanks :biggrin: , i reckon the 400r looks really good, but so does the 692 adv, the 692 has dust filters all round the case so that really caught my eye

  3. Nope, doesn't make a bit of sense.


    If what you say is true, then how is it possible for someone to cut in line and others don't say anything? Just because you apply your morals to someone else, doesn't mean they have to accept it, and if that person has different morals than you, you don't have to accept them either.


    If what you say is true, how is possible for Robin Hood to be portrayed as the good guy in the story?



    Nobody is twisting the arms of EA, Activision, or Bethesda executives, they choose to use DRM, not pirates. You can't blame people for things they can't control.


    Do you also blame Justin Beiber or Britney Spears for what the paparazzi does? No, they can't control it, the only person that can control the guy in the bush with a camera is the guy in the bush with the camera.


    Do you blame the delivery boy for a pizza that is missing the cheese? Do you blame the candle for being on fire? Do you blame the donut for when you get fat?


    If you want to play the blame game, play it proper. Whoever is in charge of deciding whether to use DRM or not at a company is the one to blame if the game has DRM.


    iam just so sick of Ubisoft, EA and Activison with their games requiring Internet to play, i cant play alot of games because of this. and some how new games are frequently leaked on to the internet, whats with that?

  4. i know a guy who pirated BF3, CoD MW3, MW2, MW1, WaW, Crysis 2, Black Ops, Dead Island, Skyrim ect.

    And continues to do so. i got most of my games for under $20 :biggrin: Except for crysis 2 and BF3.

    Pirating is for cheap as*holes, its why we have DRM in the first place!!!!

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