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Posts posted by PruritusAni

  1. I'll have to add one more to the MX518. I've been using mine for almost 4 years and it's still going strong. The thumb buttons make a huge difference in gaming and the adjusting of the resolution on the fly is awesome, you rarely have to adjust the mouse sensitivity in any game.

  2. The 2nd goal was not offside.. if Van persie came in front of the ball than yes...


    Someone better give you a flag and a FIFA membership because you have just the inconsistency required of ridiculous refs. You can go hang out with the Mali guy, you guys would get along great. :rofl:

  3. No, it was a very clear-cut case of offsides for sure. The guy who was in the offsides position attempted to play the ball, and was involved in the play by being where he was. Defenders were marking him, the ball almost touched him, and he wasnt making an effort to remove himself from the play. Once he attempted to play the ball is when play stopped, anything after that doesnt matter at all. Tough break for Paraguay, but it was an easy and correct offsides call. That said... Germany will wreck house over Spain, I'm predicting 3-1 Germany.


    OK, so since you're the offside expert :P what do you think of the second Dutch goal today? It seems it's just about the same situation as in the Spain - Paraguay match. Nevertheless, all eyes are on Germany and Spain tomorrow to decide who goes through to fight the Netherlands in the 2010 Final. BTW, the Octopus predicted Spain would win tomorrow's game!

  4. You can try athde.net.. or espn360.com


    Pulling down a player by pique was a yellow.. not a red.. I saw the world cup live replay and paraguay's should have been retaken.. the guy was offside and during world cup live they showed why..


    I am routing for Germany anyway.. Hopefully Mueller not being there is not going to hurt them.. I am hoping Klose to score 2 goals and they need to stop Villa..



    Yes, the one Paraguayan was in offside ... the guy that didn't score, and didn't in the process touch the ball either, so as it stood, they called off the goal because the guy that scored it was not the guy that was offside! Either way water under a troubled goal line technology bridge. Germany's gonna (/better) win that one


    . Is Mueller really out? I thought all this hubub about the change in the amnesty being after quarterfinals would do away with yellows? I'm very excited regardless, but Mueller seems to be a very good guy to have on the field.


    I think with this world cup they have a fairly serious case for the goal line tech things some seem to advocate. I understand that at the lowest levels of the game they're not going to have the resources for it, but at the biggest event in the whole sport??!?! I just don't know, it seems that it would save so much cursing of the refs, and people would have to admit that their team lost because they lost, not because of the re..

  5. How did Spain steal this match?? Paraguay was fully playing defensive.. Yes they tried to score here and there..


    Casillas bloked the penalty because the pk taker gave it away by his eyes.. I knew here it was going before he kicked it..


    The pk for spain was correct call..the guy who fouled should have gotten a red card..


    On the second retake for spain.. the goalkeeper should have also been sent off for taking down Fabregas..


    So I do not see how Spain stole the game??


    Let's not even get started with the penalties. The Paraguayans' PK should've been retaken as well as the Spanish players were all up in the box prior to the kick. Yes Fabregas was taken down and it should've been yet another PK on that one, but I don't think that Villa was fouled enough to give away a red or even the PK to begin with, as he dove plain and simple. If anyone should've gotten the red it was Pique for not even trying to play off that massive grabbing action of his. Spain started its theft in the first half with the help of the refs, when that goal scored from an onside position was disallowed for no reason. I'm not a Paraguay supporter at all, I only support the team that plays best, and Spain continued to play dirty as it has been. They did earn their one goal, but the story would've been very different had the first goal counted in favor of Paraguay or if Pique had been rightfully sent out. I hope the Germans thrash Spain thoroughly in the semis as there is no room for that kind of filthy play in the finals.

  6. The Germans were incredible today! That was the best game of the tournament ... It sucks that he got a yellow that he didn't deserve and will miss the next game. I can't wait for Germany to play Spain now for a rematch of the 2008 Eurocup final. I'm still cheering for the Germans all the way for this cup.


    As for the Ghana and Uruguay match, that was crap! I was so mad that Ghana did not get that penalty kick in the stoppage time in OT. I really would have liked to see one African team make it to the final, or at least the semifinals.


    I was pretty sure that there'd be a yellow card amnesty in effect after the quarterfinals so Müller should be getting in on the semifinal madness. Definitely want them to crush Spain after the robbery they committed today, as it feels they stole that match. I'm also very upset with Ghana for missing that penalty that could've sent Uruguay home too. I was seriously vuvuzelaing all over the place after that first goal, and they totally had that game handed to them in the last minute of overtime. Alas, they just didn't have the composure to take Uruguay down in the last minute, or at least to stick it through the penalties.

  7. Awesome game Germany!!!


    They played spectacularly and just thoroughly thrashed Argentina with a devastating 4-0!! What an exit for Maradona and his crew, as the Germans are looking to take the trophy. We'll see what Spain and Holland have to say about that though.

  8. I am SHOCKED :mellow:


    I thought Brasil had this in the bag after seeing the first half.


    Me too man, but seeing the 2nd half and the sheer stupidity leading to the red card I say the Dutch earned it. Now I'm gonna be supporting Ghana later today, and I think Germany can beat Argentina, but we'll see. I expect Spain to win their match too, but who knows, nothing's given in this phase of the tournament.

  9. Argentina is probably going to beat Mexico , who thinks Slovakia will pull off another surprise win tommorow against Holland ?


    I don't know man, the Netherlands are a tall order, and Slovakia has been playing awesome, but I just don't think they'll manage it. It'd be awesome if they did though, all I want is for the better team to advance following a great game.

  10. Germany is definitely looking strong after this 4-1 over England. We'll see just how they do against Argentina though (they're likely to beat Mexico, but at the World Cup anything can happen) as they're looking on fire as well. What a crazy bunch of matches are ahead of us! :thumbsup:

  11. I don't know why people allow for comments on youtube video when the option to disable them is available. You should definitely know that youtube is one of the worst places for ignorant idiots that love to rile you up with their stupidity. Btw nice TF2 ownage. :cheers:

  12. I myself just finished it for the first time and I must say I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not even one crash on first run! (unlike clear sky which I had to patch like 10 times for that to happen). All the games are pretty much standalone and can be quite different at times ( I still think the original was the best). Favorite gun? Dragunov, maxed out for accuracy and damage. Without a doubt the weapon for instant kill from 1000m (none of that bullet drop in any of the situations one is liable to encounter in CoP). For up close and personal I had a modded GP37 (Strelok's gun is better stats-wise, and putting a night vision scope and a silencer on it make it awesome, but for some reason I like a GP37 with adjustable high contrast zoom a lot better. Later in the game I also found myself trying out a pretty sweet automated shotgun that when upgraded for fire rate/damage demolished anything that dared get near me (blood sucker in 2 blasts!). Also, exoskeleton upgraded to run is pretty much the shiznit. (very upset with the SEVA's lack of night vision). Man ... I think I'm about to go through the whole series. Here's to the whole month of July being consumed by video games! :cheers:

  13. OK I feel that I need to share this one, as it's pretty good. I was 7 yrs old and mom had just bought a fancy new phone that came with an extra receiver piece. During the installation she asked "the phone guy" to remove the extra receiver and decided that I'd be the best owner for it. I immediately incorporated it into my playing routine until a few days later while pondering deeply I stumbled across this wonderful thought path: The phone is plugged in the wall. The TV is plugged into the wall as well. Quite obviously if I turn the TV on in mom's room and plug this receiver into the electrical socket in my room my sister will be able to hear me on the TV!!! I send my sister to the other room and tell her to signal me when she's ready and waiting by the TV tuned to channel 3 (I don't know why it was 3, just felt like that'd be the one channel I'd broadcast on). Grabbing the 2 wires coming out of the receiver I then complete the circuit and channel all 220V running through Romanian sockets! Naturally I got blasted across the room started bleeding from the nose while all my joints hurt. Mom rushed in to find a room smelling of toasted hair and a very confused me bleeding on the floor. It was that day that I learned to respect electricity and have managed to avoid all major jolts since, as I never forgot the sensation of being cooked a little from the inside.

  14. That wasn't off sides. He apparently called it a foul.


    He did indeed call it a foul as there was no offside to be had. Nevertheless there was no foul either, and the US got robbed of the 3rd goal. Absolutely terrible refereeing this tournament, there will be very few players left to play in the later stages after all the double yellows/straight reds stop coming. Save for that blatant refing error it was a very good game.

  15. I think Brazil is as good a choice as anyone can make this early in the cup, since they're perpetual favorites. The Netherlands and Spain are looking damn good this year too, and I've lost faith in England after yesterday's shameful display. Will be checking out Germany's form in an hour or so. Either way, Brazil is always likely to get it.

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