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Posts posted by PruritusAni

  1. All looks like a solid enough build, but I think you could do better in the case department: the Beta Evo is a decent case, but it seems a bit pricey for the things it offers. I built my mom a computer inside one of them, and it's quite good for a basic build, but I only paid shipping for it. Have you looked at the HAF 912 instead of the Antec 300? It's roughly the same price (cheaper if you count the $10 rebate), and looks to be a better case.

  2. Uhh I'm not entirely sure. :pfp:


    OK I did some clicking around through the troubleshooting info and found this:


    Application Basics

    Name Firefox

    Version 4.0

    User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0


    Shockwave Flash

    File: NPSWF32.dll


    Shockwave Flash 10.2 r153


    will this answer your questions?

  3. Yah there's nothing displaying for the Amazon Lightning Deals here. I disabled ad-blocking stuff and still nothing. Perhaps amazon will eventually get certain butts into gear eventually. :dunno:


    EDIT: they do show up in chrome though

    EDIT2: they show up in ff4 on top of the all deals page. As soon as I click on Lightning Deals in the menu on the left I get nothing again.

  4. Just switched to it today and so far no major complaints.

    I too disliked the tabs on the top, but you can change that in the options. You can change the entire layout quite a bit too, so after playing around with it for a few minutes i was satisfied.

    My add-ons worked right away (foxy tunes, download status bar and ad-block plus) and I haven't had any strange issues so far.

    My theme (redshift) did not work, but a persona will do for now.

  5. Yah I'm afraid I've managed to confuse myself too. It is definitely very curious behavior you're experiencing here. Maybe some of the other forum goers have any ideas? I think maybe a new mobo would probably necessary if indeed this one got scratched up (it's unlikely this is still under warranty). Although at that point you may want to upgrade the system as a whole (new mobo, processor, memory etc). I don't know I'll keep thinking of a possible fix, but for now I just don't know what else to try. :dunno:

  6. That's ok, I forgot to tell you that the CMOS thing is actually labeled CLRTC on the mobo too. :teehee:


    Another thought occurred: how did you remove the cooler? I remember my first time removing one of those intel stock coolers, and how many times it could've resulted in disaster. those crappy plastic pins used to affix it to the mobo aren't really the easiest to unfasten. Did you in any way scratch the back of the mobo while trying to coax the pins out?


    I also found a more detailed link with specs for the mobo: asus p5lp-le.

  7. Yah those pictures aren't as useful a I had hoped. I can't even see where the CMOS battery is, although I have been known to be blind some times.

    Perhaps complicating the matter is that I've searched for the HP a606n and i am not finding anything about it (other than this thread). I was hoping to find better pictures of the motherboard that way, but so far i've been unsuccessful. could you perhaps tell me the name of the motherboard? It should be written on it somewhere, maybe i can find a good photo of it somewhere online and maybe take it from there.


    Oh and I don't think the CMOS would be under the heatsink. it should be a 3 pin thing with 2 of the pins having a small connector over them. usually it is around that battery i was talking about, but i've never heard of it being vertical.


    kind of like in this picture:



    EDIT: yes, clrtc is indeed the one you want. I think that's what it's called on the motherboard. move that guy to the other two pins for a bit. remove the battery and let it sit for a bit. replace the battery, and move the jumper to the other two pins and give it a whirl. I'll study that image some more.


    EDIT2: I've also noticed the mobo has a speaker on it that usually beeps once upon normal system startup. When errors occur it usually makes another sequence of beeps upon power up. Make a note of these beeps as each one points to a different kind of error. (ex 3 short one long; beeps continuously etc)

  8. there should be a battery on your motherboard that you need to take out. Near it somewhere there'll also be a clear CMOS jumper. This thing will be sitting on 2 of 3 pins. you need to move it to sit over the other pin and the central pin for a bit (wait like a minute or two). put the pin back on its original pins and replace the battery and try restarting the system (after resupplying it with power). Here's a guide I found.


    EDIT: well regardless, if we get the thing to boot up again after clearing the CMOS then you can always worry about cleaning excess TIM off the processor. the key is to get the thing working again. Can you take a photo of the work area? That might help in figuring out what's amiss.

  9. Ok so next, is the processor back in its socket in the correct orientation? There's usually a little triangle on one of the corners that allows you to determine the orientation.


    did you get any thermal paste in the socket? some paste is electrically conductive and can fry electronic circuits if it gets on them. If that is the case clean it out of the socket if it got in there. I recommend rubbing alcohol and qtips for the cleaning process.


    There's also the possibility of static discharge that can sometimes fry electronics. Usually when I mess around with my computer I wear one of those antistatic bracelets, or at least repeatedly touch the metal case every minute or so.




    Also too much thermal paste is never a good thing as it hinders the flow of heat. The purpose of TIM is to fill in the tiny grooves in the processor. The thinner the layer of paste the better.

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