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    Wisconsin - why am I even here?


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  • Computer Specs
    FX 8320
    AMD R9 290X

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  1. thanks well, the 1700 is like 180$ the 2700X is closer to 300$, almost double I will consider it though
  2. which is better to get assuming the ryzen 7 is cheaper?
  3. getting sick of having to buy a new stereo or tv or graphic card every few years just because they keep cheaping out on connectors
  4. I mostly use handbrake and all the adobe suites while using adobe many files are over 4GB in indesign and illustrator I only use nvidia GPUs in laptops and portable stuff I have an R9 290x still using
  5. 1060 is decent that is what most people have in a gamign laptop before you oveclock, go back and play that same game again with the new video card and see if the choppiness went away
  6. I do alot of video encoding not really worried about a few FPS increases in gaming I use my computer basically 24 hours a day though would this upgrade make sense? should I consider a 1600X?
  7. hold on bro that game is pretty crappy, it shouldnt be running choppy the first thing you need to do is do an FPS check while the game is running make sure it is actually dropping below 30FPS if not, it could be other issues like your monitor not in sync or too high settings in game
  8. you can get some HP OMEN with a nvidia 1050 for about 750$ or less walmart was selling them on clearance with a 1050 ti for 499$, but people bought them all and are selling them on ebay, lol try searching for HP Omen ax250wm they are about 699$ right now
  9. I dont need 40TB I am just tired of them jacking up the prices over 100$
  10. well uhhh most "web browser" content is only stereo I dont think youtube has a 5.1 channel output not exactly sure what you are doing playing in a web broswer, but it might be normal netflix web broswer does NOT support surround sound 5.1 surround sound is not currently supported while streaming on a computer using Microsoft Silverlight or HTML5. However, it is supported in the Netflix app for Windows 8 and Windows 10.
  11. that's a nice TV, you done good last year LG OLED TV's had a bit of trouble with video game lag though so I don't recommend them for gaming i think they released a firmware update for most of their products, so maybe it's fixed now but I am still a little weary of them
  12. AMD might be coming out with new processors this spring somebody else will always have something better than you have I wouldnt waste my money but if overclocking is fun for you, then that's up to you but like the guy said above, if you have not even pushed the voltage and thermal limits, you got more work to do, bruh you can always decide after that
  13. if your computer has bluetooth get these, make sure it comes with the remote if you buy a used one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Insignia-NS-HBTSS116-Powered-Bluetooth-Bookshelf-Speakers-Pair-Black/372028755470?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 it also has a subwoofer output so you can find a cheap polk subwoofer this black friday if you want to get even more advanced and since it is bluetooth, you can play music directly from your phone or PS VITA, etc. as well.
  14. I know this post is a little old but saying there are no good gaming TVs is ridiculous just so you know, most high end TVs support HDR10 maybe 1% of monitors do, I can't think of one under 500$ which 90% of monitors cost less than what it comes down to, how far away from the TV do you want to sit? and do you want to limit your self to 60 FPS? I don't recommend you put a 40" TV on your computer desk,, bro - go ULTRAWIDE some new 38" ultrawides came out and are pretty cool if you want a 4K monitor, just get a 32", but again, it won't have HDR
  15. if write speed is not an issue, windows storage pool is good, you can add or remove them at anytime if they are portable hard drives, then just back them up so you can put other stuff on them if they are stuck in the same computer forevever and you want a single mirror backup, raid is fine edit: btw, if you can afford it you may want to get a little NAS https://www.amazon.com/QNAP-TS-251-Personal-Transcoding-TS-251-US/dp/B00L8GHOQ8/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1500315254&sr=8-12&keywords=nas remember, the most important thing about a good NAS is the quality of the software you can control the NAS from your iphone app or automatically upload and backup your smart phone photos or sync files from work to home like dropbox it even has HDMI output so you can watch your videos straight on a TV here are some of the apps: https://www.qnap.com/en-us/cell_app/
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