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Posts posted by usaweapon777

  1. Hey guys i need some help here. My father has an old inspiron 1150 that hes used at his business for years. i even used it yesterday and it was fine. This morning he was using it and restarted it. but behold to him it wont start, heck it wont even post and load the dell logo! I'm not really sure whats wrong except idk maybe the cmos battery died or something?


    any help appreciated

  2. thanks for all the quick responses guys... next time i'm over i'll try out the 512 sticks, and bring a disk defragmenter on my flash drive. i'd do a fresh install but i'm not sure they even have the oem disks anymore, and i've yet to order myself a harddrive to back up anything. but i think the ram and defrag will help a lot, if not i'll be back lol Thanks again. p.s linux is cool but my friend is completely computer illiterate considering he thought you unistalled programs by dropping the icon in the recycle bin. lol

  3. if you wait a couple weeks you could maybe get your hand on one of those awesome sapphire atomic 4890's. their amazing!


    for cpu coolers xigmatek s-1283,sunbeam core contact,

    psu i'd say 750

    if your running vista going to 4gb of ram wouldn't be a bad idea

  4. well i have a friend who wants me to speed up there old computer. Its a dell running xp sp2, 256mb ddr ram, single core celeron @ 2.6. I've built some pc's now and upgraded parts but i'm not sure how to really speed this old one up. At first i thought there would be a lot of junk on it but suprisingly its pretty clean. There aren't any programs hogging cpu performance in the backround but its still slow to respond. I went to do a harddrive defrag and windows said it didn't need one. I figured i'd get him 2 sticks of 512 ram to help, since to me 256 seems ridicoulously low. Do you guys think i need to do a clean os install or do i just need to add the ram, or both? any advice appreciated

  5. i must be lucky. i live in the countryside in pa and have good coverage with att here. My father has an iphone 3g and he has had no issues. I love the iphone and the 3gs but i must admit that att has really dropped the ball lately, however i think i might still drop my blackjackII and get one

  6. okay well after having horrible satellite internet for ages..... my neigbor somehow got dsll.... which for some reason unknown to me i still cant get. So i cut him a deal of paying for his internet if he let his router on... i kinda made a wifi dish and now have the signal from a half mile away. the connection isnt super strong but downloading files and surfing the web are fine on the pcs... now i have the internet from the usb going to a laptop and then a bridged connection to the router in my home. The problem is when i game itll will work fine for 5 minutes of soo and then disconnect and log me out of psn... it then takes like 5 minutes before it lets me sign in again. im just wondering who's router is causing the issue or what else could it be? i have a linksys wrt54g and my neighbor has some netgear. I know this could have multiple issues but any help is appreciated.

  7. WELL......................... i guess i must be readin too many 940 articles and not a enough 955's ........... I guess i'll go for the 955 since i wont need a new proc again if i want to go am3 and they both seem to o.c well now that i read some more articles and you guys help showed that its a good proc.. thanks for the advice and the batches could maybe even be a little better in a month.


    p.s I have a zalman 9500 its decent but sure isn't anything great any advice on an aftermarket cooler. I was thinking of the core contact freezer or somethin along those lines any other recomendations?..... oh yeah and last question do the new phenoms put out a lot less heat then the originals?

  8. my 4870 makes different high pitched sounds when i'm gaming... but i have really sensitive hearing cause i'm the only one who can hear it....... or i'm going insane one of the two lol.. It's not loud just like a high pitched whine thats annoying sometimes

  9. I know about the upgrade capability of the am3 chip... but i mean strictly performance wise which one is better? I know the 955 gives better stats at = frequency to the 940 but the 940 tends to have more o.c headroom.... which one is better in that regard?

  10. He guys..... With summer rolling around i feel like upgrading my amd proc. The question is though the 940 or the 955. It doesn't matter to me about the 955's am3 or ddr3. I know the 955 has better performance but i guess the question is whether or not that is offset by the 940's tendency to clock higher. The 940 is also cheaper. but if the 955 is still a superior proc I'll upgrade to that and through on a good cooler. any opinion appreciated.

  11. 1. YOU CANT COMPARE THE TWO. the quadro would blow the doors of the 295 in business applications. there really completely different cards for different applications.

    2.you don't need the second hd for page filing. just get the one ssd for os and games and the regular hd for storage. or if you want even more incredible speed go with 2 ssd raid 0 setup and then a storage hd.

    3. partitions are read at the same speed as the rest of the drive. partitions just help keep os's and programs seperated. cutting the drive into partition pieces does not slow it to half the speed.

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