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Posts posted by usaweapon777

  1. ambient is 70f. It doesn't matter its artifacting right now I have green lines all over the screen even without the other cards in the case. At this point I'm pretty much forced to RMA. Lol I love how galaxy says they have 24/7 support. I call and it just gives me an answer machine.....

  2. Alright guys well I have been gettings artifacting lately on my galaxy gtx460 1gb. It is only a couple weeks old and this bothering me. I am running a 8800gts, and gt240 along with it. Right now at factory settings the card is registering 93C under load from gpu-z. I'm assuming something is seriously wrong with the heatsink or something and I should RMA it? The gt240 and it are quite close together but the fan still gets decent airflow... I am at a loss here as to how a new card can have these issues.


    Edit. I put all 3 gpu's under load and the 460 is up to 99C

  3. Still us only shipping? Can I just ask why you won't ship it to me?


    Very interested in the mobo but i see 8 cpu connecors and 24 thingys...my psu has 4 pin and 20 pin connections so will it work?interested in xfx card cause the mobo has no intergrated and maybe even the phenom...2.6Ghz will be much better than 2Ghz single core processor...


    so hows sandy bridge for ya? Do you gotta replace ur mobo or do u use sata 6GB/s?


    I simply don't want to deal with any Shipping outside the continental U.S simple as that. Also Sandy Bridge is great so far, I'll probably replace the motherboard when replacements are available.


    ALSO : Muskin memory is pending. I also have an intel e6300, msi p45 board, more ddr2 memory , and a 4670 that will be added later.

  4. <br><br>Don't first gen Phenoms have the Cold Bug thing so very limited temps and huge increase i temp with lil overclock.


    the the cold bugs affect the chip only when your using EXTREME cooling solutions like liquid nitrogen not an air cooler lol. Yes the 9850 is a hot chip I had a 9950 for a while. However, that said you can still O.C them with a good cooler. I couldn't see if that cooler even works on am2 but if it does it looks pretty small. I would reapply the thermal paste when you get the new chip and run some stress tests any temps over 60C and the tests should be aborted and you will need a better cooler. I still overclocked my 9950 to 3.2 with a sunbeam core contact cooler and my temps never passed 60. So its not like theres no overclocking headroom its just these are older quads and need a nice heatsink to push them

  5. alright sorry guys, haven't been around lately and yet again i managed to screw up the descriptions :mfp:


    let me edit the original yes shipping will be only to the U.S


    it is a Sapphire 4870 and xfx 4870 for sale I have no idea why I put Asus.


    Also yes the 9950 runs stock at 2.6 I was saying that I ran it O.C at 3.0 on stock voltage and the max O.C with extra voltage I got was 3.2 . However the chip spent most of its life at stock clocks. Only really for like forum wars did I o.c it.

  6. It is annoying with the license tests that when you fail you have to exit, then restart it back from the license menu and the game has that unnecessarily long load time. I could NOT stand that! The old GT's would have hard license tests too but you could retry them swiftly!


    Also I can't stand when sometimes the AI will hit YOU and YOU will get a speed penalty, these are two really annoying bugs that should be fixed before I'd ever play the game. I certainly never'd buy it like it is.


    ??? The licence tests are very difficult for gold just like they've always been. I don't know what you mean though my having to exit each time ? If I don't get gold in a race i just hit the restart button and instantly get put back to the start of the test. Also the load times aren't too bad if you do the optional hdd install.

  7. try a 60 lap endurance race


    Haha yea I just did that one. At first I wanted to drive a similar car to keep the race even but I didn't have that much time on my hands so there came the formula gran turismo..... lol won by lapping the guy in 2nd 19 times by the end of it.. :rolleyes:

  8. I know this is a pc forum but most guys have both a pc and a console. Anyone here into Gran Turismo 5? It'd be cool to race with some OCC guys, since GT5 online is well interesting to say the least. If anyone feels like racing some let me know

    psn: USAWEAPON

  9. sigh... well I just got newegg's notice about this. Glad that they'll replace the boards once revisions are made. In the meanwhile I'm lucky in that I don't have enough devices to worry to much about this both of my hdd's run on the 6gb connectors. Oh well thats what happens when you spring for the new stuff.

  10. Gun permits are PITA to get here, to say the least. And anyways, I have the common courtesy to not wake up the neighbors if someone were to break in to my house. :lol:


    Well there you have a good point. Where I live I can be in an out a gun store in 10 minutes with a new assault rifle. We like our guns in rural PA

  11. Pretty neat. However I prefer the rifle with a bayonet near my computer. Though depending on how easy it seperates it would work good if you just needed something really quick and didn't have time to reload. Though there again is the bayonet lol

  12. I built my first rig with amd. Definately a little easier to the newbie with unlocked multipliers(only intel chips with multipliers then were VERY expensive) and easier to attach coolers lol. On a serious note almost all rigs I build for friends or family run amd. The price cannot be beaten and short of me, one friend, and this forum I know no one who needs so much power that an amd rig could not handle. However after getting used to building pc's and what not having one that blows the socks off of everything else and boots windows in under a minute is very nice and being able to overclock the living daylights out of sandy bridge is even better. Amd and Intel are both good just one is more focused on the budget guy.

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