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Posts posted by usaweapon777

  1. I disagree with that op. I have a laptop, desktop, digital photo frames. I've used the iphone and android's but I'll tell you what. The one thing I always use everyday is my ipad. reading smartphone screens all day is annoying, and bulky laptops are pain if you just want to relax and surf the web or listen to music. I admit no one really needs a tablet but no one really needs any electronics. If I'm playing a game or doing something intensive like video editing I'll use my desktop. If i'm on the go I'll use my atrix. If I'm at home or a friends or relatives for a few days I take the ipad over my laptop anymore. Its so light and thin I don't really even notice it when I take it with me. So I would definitely say tablets are useful to some people.

  2. Thats an awesome story bowtie. I'm 16 and hope that I can learn those things one day. No one else in the family is really a gear head either so I'm left to tinkering on my own. I hope to be able to work this summer with some guys on their sprint car. They do everything themselves on those cars and boy would I love to help with that stuff. I don't care if I get payed, its worth it to me just in the knowledge. One day I wanna build an engine. I don't care if it's a basic 350 just something lol. Sorry for the thread hijack. Anyway that looks like it'll be a mean engine camaro, Haha if you want I'll trade you my 6.2 diesel........ :biggrin:

  3. ...... when will people stop putting mechanical HDDs in RAID 0 and realise it does NOTHING for speeding up your PC?


    Those benches may show xxxx read speed "as fast as an SSD" but that means NOTHING. Unless all you do is move data between discs.


    Why risk having 2TB of data spread across a RAID 0????


    Just buy 1 SATA II SSD and enjoy the MASSIVE speed boost.




    I ran a wd blue and black before I got my ssd and in every way I'm pleased with my ocz vertex2. Not only does it have decent benches the realworld performance is outstanding! The sheer save in boot times is worth it to me not too mention how much snappier everything else is in general. Get as big an ssd you can afford and couple it with a large hdd for large files that way you can have the best of both worlds.

  4. Dodge dakota 3.9l v6 1991. My first vehicle and it was never registered lol. Oh boy do i miss that truck. I got the truck for free since it didn't run. Worked on the ignition a little and it ran like a champ. Swapped some doors, tailgate, and lights from a junker and redid the exhaust along with some tires and drove it around our farm for a year or two. Oh the good times I had in that, racing a little 125 dirtbike, getting bored and jumping it lol. and of course having your friend jump in the bed while you start powersliding at 40mph through a cornfield... Good times good times. the funny thing is I still see the truck around. I sold it for 750 and the guy lives locally so I randomly see it around and I KNOW ITS MINE. Lol what other dakota is 4 different colors! haha

  5. Filled a ram 2500 v10 yesterday..... the pump cut me off at 75 bucks and it wasn't even full... And to top it off that truck gets 8-10mpg in the winter.

    some old guy was filling his car up next to me and literally stood looking at the sign for like a minute then told me how ridiculous this was.

  6. &iskout : Haha I wondered if somebody would notice that. Well a friend gave me it. said they dropped it and it didn't work so I could have it. I just messed with the ac adapter and battery a little and it fired right up! People don't realize that a pentium 4 laptop won't run decently unless you keep it pretty light, but of course it was loaded with so much crapware, so i was installing a new copy of xp on it. I figure it will make a good tversity server. Though I believe the gpu heatsink has become dislodged because just watching a youtube video results in hearing the gpu fan go to full load.


    &Dan like I said, Sorry.

  7. 4670, & xfx 4870 sold. :thumbsup:


    & Dan I'm sorry I don't want to ship outside North America PERIOD. I don't care how cheap it is through USPS, Not at all. Sorry if you've had your hopes up :blush: . I just don't want to deal with what happens if the card is lost or arrives broken. Sorry we couldn't work something out and I hope you the best luck in finding a gpu that works for you. :wave:

  8. Gigabyte P67A-UD7 (without the sandy sata port issues lol)

    Intel I7 2600K

    Muskin ddr3 1600 2x4gb

    an xfx gtx 460 to go with my other one

    xfx 750 w psu.

    ocz vertex2 60g

    wd caviar black 500g hd

    Thanks OCC and XFX for the Contest!

  9. yeah you can say that again. Yeah I only bought the card from them cause it had good performance reviews and newegg had it cheap. Yeah I'm definitely not using them next time. I've had xfx cards and sapphire's and HIS's and they all have been fine.

  10. well I will never purchase a galaxy card again!!! They have no customer service They say 24/7 tech support but no is there and no one called back. Thank goodness this thing tanked before neweggs 30 day return went up. There gonna take the old card and send me a new one. Thank you Newegg for not SUCKING LIKE GALAXY

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