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Posts posted by usaweapon777

  1. Alright, well I think I'm going to go for a gtx660. World of Tanks and Hawken both seem to favor Nvidia, and I have a few other games with Physx. The in game credit deal nvidia has right now isn't bad either. The 460's still seem to have some worth so I'll probably flip that and then use the 660 with a gt 240 I have laying around to offload the physx just because i have that extra card laying around. Thanks for the advice guys.

  2. How's the gtx660 fair vs 7870? From what i've seen the 7870 leads by a small amount. I'm actually leaning towards a 660 now. Price comparing i can get one about $15 cheaper than a 7870 along with some free game bonuses. I also fold in my free time and last time I checked nvidia cards were far superior when it came to folding.

  3. Currently running a gtx460 1gb with primary display being 1680x1050. My favorite game World of Tanks is now starting to push 460 and I can't run it at max settings like I'd like. I'd also like to start playing Hawken and some other games so I figure an upgrade of some sort is in order. What do you guys think would be the best bang for the buck upgrade wise? Should I try to find a cheap used 460 and SLI, or just upgrade now to something like a 7870 or equivalent? Thanks for the help in advance. 

  4. Hey guys, I'm currently up at school and noticed my internet speeds were poor compared to my friends down the hall. I previously had a linksys wrt54g hooked to the ethernet port and then had my desktop wired directly into it. I plugged my desktop directly to the ethernet and my speeds drastically improved from around 50 to 85 Mbps. The router is running a basically default configured version of dd-wrt. What's causing my slowdown when using the router inbetween my ethernet port and desktop? Thanks for the help in advance.

  5. :withstupid: That would be the main idea so he wouldn't have to think twice about it


    edit: beat me to it lol


    Mostly office productivity. Tons of Microsoft Office, a lot of Peach Tree accounting. I'm not sure how Peach Tree works but he was telling me that his computer was the main server for all the rest at the company when it came to using Peach Tree. I can't really think of anything else out of the ordinary except maybe a little photo editing now and then. Oh yea and occasional video conferencing.

  6. He doesn't do anything super technical just figured I could future proof it for even longer than his current rig. He'd just love to have a rig that boots so fast and is well, quite snappy lol. He's pretty decent with computers just doesn't know how to build them. Thanks for the advice so far guys. Thanks Angel for taking the time to put together a rig for him, but form factor and power savings aren't a concern.

  7. Hey guys, I built my last rig right when Sandy Bridge came out. Since then I haven't really kept track at all of the new sandy bridge or ivy bridge cpu's. Also from what I've read bulldozer has been pretty meh. Anyways, this rig is for my dad at his business. He's still running a pentium D over there so this rig should really wake things up. Like I said feel free to criticize the build if there's areas where something would be more appropriate or cheaper. Thanks!


    CPU: i5-3330

    MB: ASRock H77

    RAM: G.Skill Ripjaw series

    HDD: WD Blue 500G

    OCZ Vertex 4


    The idea here is for it to be really quick. I'll use the ssd for programs and then run 2 of the hdd's in a redundant raid setup to preserve important files


    PSU: Antec 500w

    Case: Xclio Case


  8. Yeah it looks just like that one, the paint is so-so but it runs soooo nice. I got to test drive it alone :evilgrin: and I need it.


    I am just not sure I want drive it all year in Minnesota, the land of salted roads and rusted out cars.


    Yea that one is my parents, they bought it new in 86 and kept it all these years. 80 some thousand miles on it. The thing is pristine not a thing wrong with it. I know what you mean with crappy salt. In PA the salt eats everything. My mustang will never see a snowy day. Thats what my old chevy pickup is for, and even that is going to get a heavy coat of paint on the underside to help it. I wish they didn't put any crap on the roads and just plowed it....


    oh yea, and i wanna see the pics of this freakin truck already!

  9. haha exactly! except add ridiculously poor front end weight distribution and 450+ torque lol. An old lady swerved the other day.... I didn't even get close to my side of the line. I guess it was just the angle that freaked her our. I look forward to seeing RAM_dude15 burn some cars. I LOVE sleepers.


    p.s station wagon FTW

  10. haha congrats man on the truck. I bet you'll be eating ricers in no time. I know I love driving my dads v10 2500 on rainy days. can you say drifting!? so much torque. I can only imagine what the new hemi's are like. Enjoy the truck and of course................... WE NEED PICS!!!!!!!!

  11. haha yea I was just messing with u with the v. But hey you can dream lol.


    I'm not sure but I think you need a 100 shares of ford stock or more for at least a certain period of time. You call ford stock relations and request an xplan pin and they send it to you after a couple days after submitting proof of stock ownership.

  12. Well if for some reason you go back to looking at the stang here are some tips. X plan pricing is nice but not great. If you seriously haggle you can still get some off. I was able to walk out with a v6 stang with performance package for 24 including tax and tags. There not discounting the new stangs a lot because from what i've heard there not making the greatest margin on them, especially on the v6's. Oh yea and you can also get xplan pricing if you have ford stock. Anyways, the challenger isn't the greatest handling since its a tank but man they look great. Haha you should tell your dad to go for a cts-v for a nice sedan.

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