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  1. Sorry if I have the decency to not deal with a company who uses sleezy tactics to draw in new buyers, letting you upgrade after you realize the first product you bought from them was a pos isn't the kind of company I'd like to deal with. A lifetime warranty on any pc related products reeks of scam
  2. I just got a digidoc and thought I'd share my thoughts on it since it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, guess I should have read a few reviews before hitting the send button. I was expecting a slew of highly accurate temperature monitoring which would exceed anything my motherboard could offer. Unfortunatley this wasn't the case, the package only included two flat sensors used for monitoring hard to reach places, unfortunatley underneath a hsf or gpu cooler is a little to hard to reach as the sensors just aren't flat enough to allow for proper fitting of a sink. The remainder of the sensors are bulb sensors which can monitor air or can be placed on a surface with thermal tape. With 6 sensors it's almost difficult to come up with ideas of locations to corrispond a fan with a temperature, there just aren't 8 temperature zones inside a case that need their own fan. I wound up divideing my case into an X with the cpu/nb and hdd section operateing with normal 24/7 flow, I then added a fan to the rear slots attached to an ambient sensor just in front of the gpu and another fan placed in the 3.25 drive bay attached to the nb sensor. In situations of increased lower case ambient temperature the rear fan kicks on and draws air from the front/hdd section, in situations of increased nb temps the fdd fan kicks on and creates a cycle of air past the cpu. As good of an idea as this may sound it is limited by the digidocs programability, I was expecting some sort of scaleability over a range of temperatures involveing various rpms, unfortunatley this isn't the case as it's a simple on/off which is turned on at 5 degrees prior to set temperature and an alarm follows 5 degrees after this temp is reached. The digidoc 5 is a good theory but lacks dramaticaly in it's ability to accuratley monitor the most crucial of heat spots, given the onboard sensors offer the best readings it would be nice to see this incorperated into the front panel. While I didn't recieve what I had expected in the mail, the package made up for it through means of an awsome glow, some beeps at start-up and the ability to set tolerances short should the opportunity arrise to show off your rig. Performance of this module is yet to be seen as accuracy is highly dependant on placement of sensors. One may be better off looking into an agreogate or other rheobus system if tighter control is desired, if the bling factor is desired along with the lazyness of a somewhat clumsy interface is desired then this may be for you.
  3. Why even bother with the 6600 when it has nothing onthe 6800 and the price difference isn't that much to start with. This just sounds like another useless marketing scheme and because of that I won't have anything to do with evga purely out of ethics.
  4. Indeed, at 10x200 my board outshined my last board at much higher speeds, benchably better probably not, but tailored exactly to the way I wanted it; you bet. I just don't want him to end up with a damaged board from clocking with no way to repair it, Do you think you could have the goodie bag of settings your board gives and only moderatley tweek it?
  5. That looks like a pc-104 board, sbc's rock I got a ton of them sitting here from my schemes of takeing over the world through noobness. I keep getting set back to ground zero when my main rig drops off though :mad:
  6. AceGoober would be the one to talk to reguarding intel
  7. If your haveing a difficult time finding a dfi board i would suggest looking into something else, with overclocking comes unreliability and with that comes repairs. These boards remove many safeguards in the persuit of increased performance, this is great for all out tweakers however in your situation I would be looking for something that leans towards stability.
  8. I hate communists, damn communists are hideing everywhere, just waiting, waiting for just the right time, then out of nowhere they'll jump out and steal ALL of your pocket lint, then where will you be? in a very lintless place thats where
  9. you've been in front of your monitor to long and your going blind and/or crazy, I see nothing with that picture, it's all blue
  10. You can never have to much spare misc crap! With as many screws as I have it's still an issue when it comes time to find screws that fit, why can't they just make them all the same?
  11. I'm about as usefull as a retarded monkey with a hand full of poo a bright orange vest and a pot on his head when it comes to bf2 wow and tribes are probably my current favorites
  12. To answer your question, whats the sum of two cube squared expressable as four bits and p180 looks awsome
  13. Put down the $20 word and step away slowly, no one will harm you if you just set it down and walk away, I repeat no one wil Defenestration Castration Masturbation Solliloque!!!! OhhhHHhhowwhhhhohhhhhhh . ya got me Someone call an ambulance and get me a dictionary I'll need a rabi a priest a monk a midget on a pogo stick and a taco, while your at it get me a thesauras to stop this bleeding So I know your thinkin, did I fire off 47 syllables or only 35, well you gotta ask yourself one thing, do ya feel luck punk? Well do ya? uh.....Splendiferous?
  14. When I first got my lian I bought it based mainly on the interior appearence, now that I've had it a while i'm finding that it'll look good sitting next to any other case for years. You can leave it plain and then customize it to compliment your next case. I just added a top window to mine and it really shows off the quality and shine of the insides without being to flashy. The only complaint I've had about mine is one screw for the 3.5 tray cross threaded. Other then that it's been hassle free.
  15. D2 took up a good chunk of my life, my fav char was my all around barb that could bvb bva or even act as a zon killer, not many zons could escape it and if they did they were damned tired before I died. Assassins were my favorite, I had a ton of them. Most of my stuff got lost when I took a break and I never started again but a new diablo would rock, I don't think it's something they'd bring out though, look at wow it's got a huge market and they've got no reason to compete with it as far as I know. Plus I think it would be extremely hard to update diablo and keep the aspect which only diablo had. I'd be damned excited though if it came out
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