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Everything posted by sycr0n

  1. Just use only one of your 512mb modules in the orange slot closest to the edge of the board while you install XP. I had the same problems you were having and using just one stick of ram seemed to do the trick.
  2. I've tried alot of the timings and I read through the OCZ stickied thread concerning the 3200 Plat Rev2's that had some solid timings that I thought might work with my corsair memory. I've tried disabling CPC and bank interleave and that didn't help at all. I do have success if i run at Dual channel DDR333 or DDR400. Running the LDT at 4x or 5x seems to have no effect either on the errors. I can't even make it through one pass of test 8 in dual-channel DDR400 @ 2.8v. I don't think the memory could overheat that quick. I'll have to check out the forums there. I'm gonna end up returning this corsair memory and i don't believe it will take me where i want to go OC wise regardless. Gonna go with some OCZ EL PC3200 plat rev2 (2x512mb) Thanks for the replies!
  3. I agree, which is why the memtest errors bother me. I have done that also. I'm using [email protected] 1T per my sig. The memory timings are entered manually. I've tried upping the cpu and dram voltage but it didn't seem to have much of an effect on anything. This is the second set of corsair XMS 3200XL i've received. One of the modules in my first set would generate errors by itself in memtest and I had some stability problems with it. I'll probably have to just get some new memory
  4. Test #8 has been getting on my nerves because it's the only test that I can't seem to pass without errors galore. I'm just trying to run everything at stock speeds atm. My question: Is test #8 really significant to proving whether a system is stable or unstable? Are the errors in test #8 insignificant if the system can withstand stress-testing programs like prime95 or superPI for over 8-12+ hours? All in all, I feel my system is stable. I don't have blue screens or hard-locks and I'm prime95 stable for about 11hours when i stopped it. Are these memtest errors worth worrying that much about if all else seems good?
  5. most of the people i've seen that have had success with the 3200XL memory have the SLI-D. I've tested the memory in another system at DDR400 and had no problems at all getting it to pass memtest, but for the life of me I can't get it to pass memtest in my Ultra-D. Unfortunately I think i'm gonna try to get a refund on the memory and buy some memory I know will work well on the Ultra-D, even though I don't think the corsair ram I have is defective.
  6. Are the PWM IC Heatsinks the ones located between the cpu and the ide connector ports? If so that probably explains why I have such a high PWM IC temp. It's currently running around 55C, while the CPU is 37C and the Chipset is 45C. I don't have very good airflow there because of the ide cables, plus i have some wires from the PSU dangling around that area too. I probably could bundle up some of the wires right below my CDROM drive bay, but i'm not sure if that would benefit or worsen the airflow situation. I'm planning on getting an XP-90 sometime next week, but i'm not sure if that will necessarily help the situation with the PWM IC area.
  7. lol, well i'm gonna give that one a go then. No luck with 1.32 and it didn't even show the memory timings or chipset information
  8. I'm using the 3/10 bios right now. According to the Ram Guy from corsair, all 3200XL modules are made with TCCD. I have revision v1.2 of the 3200XL. Also, is there any difference really between the memtest v1.51 bundled with the bios and the latest 3.2 memtest release? i've been using 1.51 for all the testing so far. Thanks for the input guys, don't know what i'd do without ya
  9. I just received my replacement Corsair TWINX1024-3200XL modules and I'm still get errors in dual channel mode within a few minutes of looping test 8. I'm testing each 512mb module by itself just incase, but that would be really odd to get a defective part on supposedly "pre-tested and paired" modules. Almost sounds to me like DFI has some issues that need to be addressed concerning the corsair XMS series since others are having similiar issues. edit: typos typos typos
  10. Doesn't turning off CPC and bank interleave significantly decrease the memory performance?
  11. i know all so well where you're coming from bud. First thing i'd do is test each one of the sticks by themself and see if you still get all those errors. In my situation, i had one stick that passed flawlessly and another would generate a few errors here and there. I actually rma'd my 3200XL ram and am currently waiting to receive a replacement. Hopefully the problems were just because of my one module, but only time will tell!.
  12. not sure what he means. I went ahead and RMA'd my memory while i still had the chance, so hopefully I just had some bad ram. Should have the replacements by the end of the week. only time will tell!
  13. i guess the question is whether to try to rma the memory and hope for a better module or just buy another better brand?
  14. I've been using memtest v1.51 off the dfi bios. The link billy posted shows all the trials i've gone through to troubleshoot the memtest error problems, but i've had no luck thus far. Currently I'm waiting to test the memory on my asus a7n8x system at home, but I won't be able to reproduce the same results since i can't run it at ddr400 on my AMD XP2600+. I've been in touch with ram guy about the issue and he says that if the memory truly is bad then it should fail at ddr333, but as the screenshots i had posted showed the memory performing flawlessly with both sticks in single channel mode. Personally, i'm about to bite the bullet and return the memory and order a brand I know will work well with the DFI boards.
  15. bump! could use some feedback guys.. pretty please?
  16. Ok, I've been thoroughly running memtest for the past 36 hours to see if I could shed anymore light on the situation. I ran 4 tests: 2 tests for each module by itself 1 test with both modules running in single channel 1 test with both modules running in dual channel Each test consisted of 8 hours running the normal default test selection and then an additional 4 hours of running test 8 loops. Posted screenshots of each test are below. Test results: Module 1 Module 2 Both Modules - Single Channel Both Modules - Dual Channel As you can see module 1 had absolutely no errors like the first time I had tested it alone before. Module 2, however, had 4 errors durring the default test selection, but no errors from the test 8 loop. I was surprised that no errors happened at all with both modules running in single channel since module 2 generated a few errors by itself. I didn't let the dual-channel test run the full 12 hour length because it didn't even make it through one pass without spitting out errors as usual. I'm still planning on testing the memory regardless on another system next weekend, but this seems to be looking more and more like a faulty memory controller. What do you all think?
  17. I had those problems and just took out one of the sticks of ram and loaded windows that way. After you get done with setting up windows then pop the other stick in. Worked for me, might work for you!
  18. bump.. anyone have any idea why i can't boot up in single channel mode with both sticks in dimm1 and dimm2. I tried them in dimm 1 and dimm 3 but it just ran in dual channel and wanted them in dimm 2 and 4 for dual channel operation. Also, any ideas how I could verify that the memory controller on my cpu is working properly and not causing the memtest errors? Thanks to everyone who's given me feedback thus far. I'm hoping to have this resolved before the 30-day return policy from ZZF expires incase i do have some defective hardware.
  19. sorry, forgot to update my sig with my bios version. I've already flashed the bios to 3/10 and am still getting these problems. I also went on the corsair forum and ramguy gave me some genie bios settings to try and still brought errors in memtest. Another guy on the forum said it could be the memory controller on my cpu, but i have no idea how to determine if that is the case.
  20. I'm trying to test my 2 x 512 sticks in memtest in single channel mode to see if i get an assload of errors like I do in dual-channel. I tried putting the sticks in dimms 1 + 2 for single channel, but i couldn't get it to boot and the monitor just says "check signal cable" I tried them in 3+4 also, but i figured that wouldn't work anyway. If i just put in 1 stick at a time in dimm1 or dimm2 it's fine. I'm having some major memtest issues here, lol. What are the chances of the mem controller on my cpu being bad? I ran both of my sticks separately in memtest for 4 loops and one stick tested flawless and the other one had 1 error. I have everything at optimized defaults with the memory at [email protected] I also tried loosening the timings to [email protected] and still got errors in memtest on the first pass on test #8. Thanks in advance guys. I'd just like to get this thing running stable at stock.
  21. I think he wants to know what the actual purpose of the ground connectors are and if they are required. I have them plugged in, but I was wondering the same myself I haven't seen those ground connectors on any other mobos in the past.
  22. Thanks for the response Juk. I've tried upping the voltage up to 3.1 at 2-3-2-5, but still got errors on test 8, but i'll give those looser timings a try. I'm really trying to stay away from upping my voltage that much since my temperatures are already running pretty high for running stock (CPU - 38C, System - 45C, Chipset - 48C). If I up the voltages, then the chipset fan starts going full blast and it sounds like a wind tunnel. hehe I probably need to work on the airflow and I might even try re-applying the AS5 on the CPU to see if i can get that down a bit in idle temp. I'm starting to think i'm worrying too much about memtest considering my system is running fine without many lockups. I'll have to try prime95 overnight and see how the system holds up.
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