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  1. 1 if you can tell which video card model it is just from listening to it. you might be a computer geek 2 if you can tell what brand case it is just from touching it you might be a computer geek. 3 if you can tell what power supply model it is just from sticking your nose in the back of the case you might be a computer geek. 4 if you can tell what type of ram it is just from tapping your fingers on the modules you might be a computer geek. 5 if you can tell what kind of hard drives they are just from taking the hard drive and placing it on your forehead you might be a computer geek. 6 if you know all the d&d rules by heart including the monster manual and dungeon masters guide you might be a computer geek. 7 if during a storm instead of grabbing the g/f or wife first you run for the computer first lol you might be a computer geek.
  2. im in sw houston at a friends house waiting out the storm. might get 80-100 mile an hour winds. i took my computer with me though in case i lose the roof or some big time flash flooding.
  3. yeah i couldnt get on here either yesterday. i heard people were trying to do some shopping on newegg and that wasnt working. people were wondering how much money newegg had lost from the blackout lol.
  4. i havent tried overclocking yet. im making sure everything runs stable at stock settings first. ive heard people having great luck with gskill memory. its the latest craze right now. ive seen a few reviews on it and got high marks but so did some ocz memory as well. so if your wanting to over clock i would get ocz or gskill.
  5. thankyou safrout for the explanation that cleared it up for me alot better.
  6. i have the gskill 4400 le. people were having the best luck i believe with those or the la. im sorry but i forgot exactly what the differences were. at one time the gskill 4400le tccd was hard to find. dont know if that holds true anymore or not.
  7. rpm based distro? im sorry you guys abbreviate to much. what do you mean by rpm? lol
  8. i wanted to try suse but not got the guts to try it. what are your opinions on that distro?
  9. noooo they are gonna have 4 different models top of the line will be 400 then goes down from there. i would assume low end model will be around a hundred or so.
  10. i would wait the new audigy card is gonna be out at the end of this month. they are gonna have three or four to choose from. x-fi i believe is what its called.
  11. i have the evga 6800gt pci e. im thinking of getting the 7800gt or a gtx if i can find one for the right price.i think bf2 looks better with my 6800gt over my ati x800pro agp.i just upgraded to the new 77.77 drivers also no problems so far.
  12. i just used monarch and had no problems. the product was packaged in the proper fashion. they are in tucker georgia which is not far from me here in houston. the gentlemen was nice on the phone didnt take long to process my order either. now newegg takes three days at least to process and takes at least 4 days to get here so ive had the opposite experience from you concerning newegg. i do still like newegg because they have a large inventory but i like monarch as well.
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