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    Pacific NW
  • Interests
    Computers; PC gaming; 50's rock; Playing guitar and singing


  • Computer Specs
    Corsair Obsidian Series 750D Airflow
    MSI MEG Z390 Ace
    Intel i9-9900K (OC'd to 5.26)
    Corsair H150i - Cooler
    Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32GB (3200)
    Corsair HX850i
    MSI GeForce 2080 Gaming X Trio
    Samsung 970 Pro
    Samsung 860 EVO

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  1. Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
  2. Here is the memory that is recommended by Crucial Memory: https://www.crucial.com/compatible-upgrade-for/aSUS/transformer-book-flip-tp550ld This is what it says about the memory: Memory Maximum Memory: 12GB *Not to exceed manufacturer supported memory. Slots: 1 (1 bank of 1) Standard Memory: 4GB non-removable It appears that the original 4GB is non-removable, but that there is another slot that can be populated for a maximum of 12GB. I suggest that you check before buying new memory.
  3. I hope you enjoy your 5500's! I decided rather than upgrade to a new sound card ($200) (using on-board sound) and a new set of 5.1 speakers ($200) (have Polk Audio AMR 150), I will buy a set of Bose Companion 5 Multimedia Speakers ($349). They connect to the computer through a USB port. They sounded great when I listened to them in Best Buy. Of course, I won't buy them from BB, I will get them from Newegg.
  4. I voted XP, but I actually have two drives. The main drive has XP Pro and the secondary drive has Ubuntu, Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS 64-bit installed on it. I would be using Ubuntu solely if I wasn't a gamer. I don't like using programs to allow game playing.
  5. I voted (2). I use "Adblock Plus" and "Forecastfox".
  6. Looks to me like you have a darn good rig. The only thing that I would have done differently is go for a full case.
  7. You hit the nail on the head, Ex. When my avatar showed up on the Street, I swore that Angry had been having me followed. It fits me to a tee. Maybe it is the fact that he knew I was an old_geekster and 50's rocker. I don't know. If I remember correctly, you have taken on a new face. It is becoming, however.
  8. Glad to see all of the old faces (Avatars) and the new ones as well. I couldn't get rid of my old "bobble-head", it looks too much like me. It actually keeps time to my 50's rock. It appears that we are going to have a good mix from the Street here at OCC. I look forward to helping.
  9. Thanks to all of the "OCC" members for the warm welcome! Yes, we all like to get our hugs! We got so used to it from our leader at DIY-Street, Angry_Games. He was always quick to hold our hands and give us a big hug. Hopefully, this site will grow at the same rate that DIY was growing. However, I was not routed to OCC from the DIY site. It showed the URL, but didn't bring me here. Here's to OCC and all of its members, new and old. Hooray.
  10. I voted no way. Personally, I have no reason to go to a website that collects premiums. There are too many that don't with the same info.
  11. Well, I guess I live right. Shortly after making the post above, I used MS Update. Of course, there it was --- SP3. I couldn't just let it sit there, could I? Nope! So, I hit the button and zap it began the update to SP3. I am now typing with my new updated system. Glory be.
  12. I don't even tell the wife when I screw it up any more. She just shakes her head, shrugs and says ---"What's new", when I do tell her! I will try SP3 in a month when I get back from my trip. I don't have time to reinstall everything at this point.
  13. I agree with rado. I have the 226BW and use it with XP Pro and Ubuntu, Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS. It is a great monitor and with 2ms response time, it makes gaming fun. You can see things in games that you missed without it. Old games seem new.
  14. With your setup, I would highly recommend an "OCZ" GamerXStreme GXS 700W: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817341002 I would give you more than enough power for now and in the future. It is also reasonably priced.
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