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LAN Party Slut

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  1. Lisa becuz she is a super skank...I hate her soo much for all the crap she did for all the crap she will end up doing...I hate her and i always will...serioudly.
  2. You WISH...I have TMJ so even if I wanted to suck ur cock I couldn't!!! weirdo.
  3. I found this movie to be alright..personally I liked it. However I like movies that are like that its just another werid freak with personality disorders and massive blood spilling mixed with whores and little boys...been there seen that...but I still enjoy it. go see it its worth 5 bucks not 9 though so go to a few more movies while you are there.
  4. I have a skateboard..its nice...I have used it...in this way. MY friends that skate get on the back and I sit on the front and then they ride around with me on the front. So I put yes I skate because I do...in my own special way and yea I wear some of the cloths juss cuz alotta that stuff fits me better and I like how it looks.
  5. That ###### deserved to die...shes a lil . that should of drowned...I would of laughed and not let him save that little whore. Drunks like her should rot in hell.
  6. I chose punk...but I love Ska...and like I dono but I listen to punk more...I heart music I heart it with passion.
  7. My boyfriend is definatly .! Yes definatly I mean shaving your legs...only homos do that...and his head I mean o gwad thats pushing it too far...and dude I LOVE hairy genitals ooo yes baby! just kidding. It doesnt make you ....cuz I know hairy . guys. I really dont care unless there is massive hair...DoOd! that ryhmes.
  8. I've gone through like 5 mouses (yes nick I counted I guess I broke my dads too this one time). You could say i have a lil anger problem with me and the mousey sadly i take out the mouse everytime.
  9. I hate news...I hate real life....I hate you...I hate this...I love brownies...yes too many drugs
  10. I sed yahoo for mail...but the tetris site is the site I hit the most in a day...TETRIS RULES
  11. This is kinda off the subject but wouldnt a giant penis be kool to have cut into the side of ur comp!!?? ...ok nevermind.
  12. Thats the best thing i have seen since the teddy gram consentation camp pictures I took last summer!
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