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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. Nope, no bsod ;). It crashes then reboots and while booting stops and gives me a hard drive error. It also doesnt read the drive so thats obviosly the problem, is it just gotten too old to work any more though?


    PS. Lucky, i jiggled the molex connector a bit and got the computer to work long enough to back up all of my sister's pictures from her digital camera so thats good.

  2. Just wondering weather or not this is hard drive failure but my old computer keeps randomly restarting and then giving me these hard drive errors. Its no big deal if it is because its my mom/sister's comp and im going to get a new 20gb hdd or something if i can but im wondering if the hard drive has reached the end of the line. It makes lots of loud noises like its loading and stuff and then it crashes.

  3. RIAA: We will now begin suing anyone that uses Internet Explorer 6 because it can be used to download illegal files. If you wish to avoid prosecution and fines upto $50,000 please switch to Firefox or Opera.


    Rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Riaa suing people who use IE, BECAUSE IT CAN BE USED TO DOWNLOAD ILLEGAL FILES!?!?! How stupid are they!? God.

  4. I agree. Dvdshirk is awesome, you can rip and make an iso all in one step, simple as pie.... wait.... pie is a complex combination of tastinesses and sweetiekens... OH NOES!!

  5. Yeah but what is there to lose? You dont have to give out any credit cards or anything. Yeah you give your street adress but whats the worst that could happen? they send you a few fliers in the mail? I dont care. I dont think its a scam because theres nothing to lose. Plus, they wouldnt be able to poster up logos of big name companies like sony and amazon.com unless they were legit. this "greenzap is a scam" website just looks like somebody's blog.

  6. This is cool, its called greenzap, its like paypal with a freeipods twist. Its the new paypal and when you sign up you immediatly get 25 dollars web-cash and then you refer people and get 5$ for every person you refer. Its only for pre-registering people with the site and its only untill june 20th so sign up now. My friend did this and got like 195 bucks, its not a scam, ive researched it. So, here's my referal link, please sign up :)



  7. Ok, back from the hopstickle, fractured elby bone, i got back yesterday but couldnt really do anything untill now. Hurts like hell, still typing with other arm. I probably wont be posting much for the next few weeks. dang.... I just realized that im going to have to use my other arm to... well... uh.... nevermind lol. Anyway, thanks for the support, i'm trying to keep a good attitude about this. By the way, for all who are wondering, I broke it when i fell off my bike. No .. Sucked. Especially sucked because this happened on my birthday. Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later, im trying to stay online as much as possible, i can't play console games for a while but... meh, no biggie. Typing is hard, this messege took like.... 15 minutes to write, anyway, talk to you guys later.

  8. Alright ive got the bookmarks saved but now how do i import them to Opera? I go to file, import but theres no option to import from firefox...



    EDIT: Got it nvm

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