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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. grab some engines from a few really powerful RC cars and strap them on there. Only downside is that they will probably go around in circles instead of back a forth. LOL, im just kidding, thats the first thing that came to mind though. rofl

  2. Hey im trying to fit a 41mb mpg4 video file on my psp and i was wondering if there are any programs i can use to decrease the file size and maybe lose a bit of quality? It was originally a 134mb .avi file but i used psp video 9 to shrink it down to a 41mb mpg4 but i need to get it just a little bit smaller to fit on my 32mb card. Anybody know how i could go about doing this?

  3. Hehe, i went for an interview at McDonalds yesterday and did very well, i find out tomorrow if I got the job though, Anyway GL with that job! Everyone wish me luck that i get to work at McDonalds. w00tz0rz f0rsh1zzl3!!!!

  4. Well I think i have figured it out possibly. Ok this is telling you my whole day basically. i got up went to school got home went on computer, this happened ^^^, Then because i couldnt get on the internet, i was bored, so i called up rogers and got g4techtv, watched that, and suddenly, it crapped out. So i called rogers and apparently my whole city is having power problems. So. At like 10pm, im kindof bored, so i order a movie, while on the phone they say "There's no time guarrenty for your delivery due to power problems". So. What im thinking is that, like snipe said, the power might have gone off for like 1/10th of a second and turned my comp off. Anyway im back online now with no problems. Thanks for your help guys :)

  5. I was just online a few minutes ago and my computer randomly shut down. Not reboot, shut right down. I reached over and hit the power button, and it didnt turn on. So i turned off the powersupply for a few seconds, turned it back on, then turned on the computer. It boots up fine, but no internet. So im a little panicky. I decide to reboot, and i do, log back on, once again, internet wasnt working, i go talk to my mom, come back, internet's working. I have know idea what happened, anybody know what could've caused that? Did i get hacked or something? Or did my computer overheat? Help!

  6. A month ago they were selling them for 10 bucks (canadian no less) at staples. I would've got it but...ehh.... I have to reason no spend money on that. If i want to play it i can.... uh....... *runs away*

  7. I also enjoy OO way more than m$ word. They are both pretty much equal in speed and stuff and they can do all the same stuff, except OO is free! Thats why i use it. If you've already got word though there isnt much of a reason to get OO.


    Just to clarify, OO=Openoffice :P

  8. Helpcomp2003 are you serious here or is this a joke? I saw your other post, Called "download nucker" ........ Self explanitory there, i think you mean nuker. How old are you man? I really dont want you to get all offended and such but honestly; You post here, expecting people to help you develop your software that is supposed to do all these wonderful things, You dont even know how to properly spell the name of the software you plan on developing, and your website looks like a 12 year old kid's "freewebs" site. Hey where's the "shout-outs" section. Also, I got a bunch of popups for some online casino when i visited your site. And it seems that since people flamed you on your use of IE i noticed this on the downloads section of your website:


    Mozilla Firefox :: Internet browser BETTER then Internet Explorer


    Like, OMG i didnt know there was anything BETTER than IE! Now That i use firefox, i am teh ej33t!


    Honestly man, people wont take you seriously ANYWHERE unless you put some time into things like your website, your knowledge of computers, and your spelling. Thank you. That is all.

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