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Everything posted by daniel

  1. Guys.... how can i clean my LCD monitor? im really scared.. b/c they say it is really bad if u touch the screen... can someone help me with some tips
  2. .... i've decided to do it on plexi glass....
  3. 50.000 for H2 150.000 for the H1 my dream car... wow just imagine me, here with taht car... wow taht would be awsome.. some tinted windows.... awsome.... H1 wagon: 117,508 H1 open top: 106, 185 H2 52000-56000 H2 SUT 53000-56000 Ok going back... the trail blazer is an awesome SUV... If u want the 7 seats the get extended version, there are many color options, and atleast for a country with mountains it is awsome
  4. its not an urban myth! bwahahahahaha i got one of those!!!!!! people call me the Morgan
  5. oh tell him just to get the Chevy trail blazer extented or a H2....
  6. chevy trail blazer extented, i own one of those and the 4x4 is awesome it has good HP u can do doughnuts on it... its awesome... i can reach 188KM/H i own the 2004 model b/c here the 2005 hasnt arrived yet
  7. how can i be a member? i already have two W/U.... i appear in the stat page....
  8. oh... thats too loud.. and the other versions of delta i saw... didnt give that high CFM
  9. the tornados are too noisy... and the deltas dont push that much air...
  10. ok thx... mmmmm how do i create my user name and pass?
  11. OK I think this will be my last post about saying what tu buy ... and that crap... Today i phoned the whole city to search for water cooling and there was 1 kit available... i went to the store and say it.. EVER cool water cooler wc-101 then i got home really exited! and i read about 29 reviews... and all said that thing is not so good.. that AIR cooling can be much better but more noisy.... the price of it was 130 bucks... so i decided not to buy it... and have FANS all over my case... and with those 130 bucks... ill get a 120mm fan and put it on the top of my case... buy a new PSU, get round cables... And maybe change the generic fans i got... So i want a recommendation of a 120MM fan.... the one i was thinking about is a SUNON that can b found at new egg... ill post the link in a few.... So plz gimme ideas of 120MM fans... that extract alot of air...
  12. steal or aluminium... must be really hard.... i think im just going to use plexi glass.... but ill think about aluminium...
  13. ok plexi glass... i dont like wood... i got 1 school year in art class to build it..
  14. Hello.... mmm... if i want to build a case... starting from 0 what materials should i use? gimme a list of materials.. than can b used to build the body of the case... plz
  15. I got that card running on my other computer... I was able to play all the games perfectly... exept when i got far cry and battlefield vietnam... I run COD in that PC i get 90 stable FPS.... ITs a really good card... but i didnt really like it for video editting....
  16. r 5M26S good for time per frame? and 36H20M time per work unit?
  17. Ah.... I was trying to put my sig put it didnt work i spent 10 min in fireworks doing my sig supporting.. firefox.. and it didnt work.... y wait a 90 days period to b able to post the IMAGES in the sig?
  18. ok thx... now how cna i chekc my stats?
  19. WHAT??!?!??!?!?!?! I need to turn it off! how??? How can i chekc my stats? If i turn it off how can i turn it on again?
  20. mmmm... i never shut down.. the pc... but ill like to turn off the prog.. like to play cod or things like that... how can i turn it off?
  21. ummm i got no.. idea... the only thing i know... is that it works... if u install it... like the normal way.. no extra.. checks...
  22. Where can i download the Tiny key counter ? in the other topic there is a zip file.. but it is no working for me....
  23. OK guys i started folding.. when i did the setup i selected background... i know its running b/c i can ssee it n the task manger and my CPU went up to 64C :D:D:D:D Some Questions... 1. How can i know how many points i have? 2. If i end the process b/c i want to play or something.... how can i turn it back on?
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