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Everything posted by daniel

  1. look http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php I think admins should make a sticky out of this post
  2. Wchich one should i get? i do vid editing.. and watch TV in the comp wouldnt b a bad a idea http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-144-502&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-116-311&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-144-023&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-122-213&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-100-013&depa=0
  3. wow... long time i dont see this topic.. i like the ram sticks and also the PSU ... keep us up to date
  4. ive run it in opera for 50 hours no.. non stop.. with out having to refresh.... i only need to close it.. on security checks
  5. its teh corrections to a exam i failed so i can retake it...
  6. SR= Square root help me plz Solve for X 1)SR4x-3=2+SR2x-5 simplify 2)SR75ab _______ 3SR3 CR=cubed root rationalizy 4)CR2ypower4 __________ CR6xpower2 help me plz... i need to know this or i fail a exam plz plz
  7. well i think... they look a lot like the alienware ones... and ive reading the reviews.. and they have great airflow
  8. Well.... so.. was alienware.. saying they were the only ones.. with cool cases? check out this ASUS case... http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-173-002&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-173-003&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-173-001&depa=0
  9. Well if u get a boxed one.. u can get more warranty.... thats the only good part
  10. my was 100% BS... after my old account got banned.. i made a new one.. ran opera.. 100% legally.. and god banned... B>C of using a refresher! i had 29 legal bucks made :@ so i started all over again with anothe user name
  11. Case Mother Board Ram Video Card PowerSupply Hard Drive heatsink All that for 720.. so ... u can get.. a Processor Tell me wut u think
  12. RK ... I think you should give me some credit
  13. yep i type them out .... it takes to much time to move the mouse.. over to the.... emoticons.. box... so i just type em out
  14. huh? wut 106.88? i got confused there
  15. Just to add one thing.. ididnt say the x800pro could flasht to a x850... second. i never said u couldnt install the 9.0c direct X on a system wiht a 9.0 direct X vid card.. i just said.. nvidia.. had a direct X 9.0c hardware...
  16. well this comp is for my uncle who will use it for.. emails and word docs...
  17. imm try to bring the letters... like outer... bigger... its hard to see em
  18. i have never tasted bawls.. b/c.. 1.. here they dont sell it....2... im not sure.. i think its a caffeine.. drink.. and i only drink.. coffee and coke...... and caffeine doesnt really help my organism :S im strange i know
  19. i cant take my SAT till 11th grade :S.... thats wut happens when u live far far away from the US
  20. But is that the hardware or software? i know that ATI didnt have the C versoin on the 9000 series cards.... but... dude get a x800pro and flash htat that way u can save some bucks
  21. ive heard its the best card out there for the money.. i would have gotten that card.. but my bro gave me 100 bucks and i got my 10800pro
  22. nevermind.... lol im dumb.. i need to update my self... now ATI cards do.... sorry But only.. like the x300-x600
  23. well saphire is a much better manufactor... but u should get Nvidia.. for the 9.0C Direct X
  24. well someone.. i have a link to microsoft....which tells ya how to fix this although SP2 fixes it... ill edit this when find the link --------EDIT--------------------- here is the link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;303013
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