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Mine and Seventh_sliver's mini contest


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Ok guys, here it is. Have you seen the videos that we have been posting for the ASUS Xtreme Design contest? You can check them out here, and check out our contest thread here (We need your posts to win, so every post is your support for us, no donations necessary! Also subscribe to our youtube channel if you like the vids!).


Now for the mini contest: we need your ideas. We have almost all of the videos planned out, except for ONE! That's where you come in! Submit your ideas here, and on Friday we will create a new thread with the 5 best ideas for everyone to vote on. The winner gets their video idea reenacted by us!


Ideas we have already:

Indiana Jones scene

Alien Chest burst

A New Hope Opening Scene

"Clever Girl" scene from Jurassic Park

Mission Impossible scene


We need one more! I know you all are a creative bunch, so throw them out there. Then be on the look out for a voting thread and vote for the best idea. Don't forget to support us by checking out the links above. Keep OCing!

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Ideas we have already:

Indiana Jones scene TAKE A LOOK!!

Alien Chest burst Not quite a dancing/singing frog, but still very funny!

A New Hope Opening Scene

"Clever Girl" scene from Jurassic Park

Mission Impossible scene


We need one more! I know you all are a creative bunch, so throw them out there. Then be on the look out for a voting thread and vote for the best idea. Don't forget to support us by checking out the links above. Keep OCing!


Hey guys, Danny and I are working on the project together and we need your help! But maybe I can clarify. What we want are your ideas for a MOVIE CLIP PARODY. We will take all of your ideas and choose 5 top movie clips. Then we will make a poll and anyone on OCC can vote for their favorite clip.


NOW the fun part. Whoever comes up with the winning movie clip gets to see us recreate the movie into a parody video featuring a sponsored computer part. We will of course give great praise and appreciation to the person who submitted the winning clip!



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I'm literally LOLing @ the Alien scene!






How about the classic scene from Pulp Fiction;


But in this manner:

Guy 1- Describe what "insert computer product here" looks like!

Guy 2-- W-W-What?

*throw a table*


Guy 1- What country you from?

Guy 2-- W-What?


Guy 1- What aint no country I ever heard of!

Do they speak geek (or something else) in what?

Guy 2-- W-What?




Guy 2-- Y-Y-Yes!

Guy 1- Then you know what I'm sayin'

Guy 2-- Y-Yes!


Guy 1- Describe what "insert computer product here" looks like!

Guy 2-- W-What!?


Guy 1- Say what again! Say WHAT again!

I dare ya!

I double dare you MOTHEREFFER, say what one more god damn time!


Guy 2-- I-I-Its "insert color here" follow by "some sort of other description."


Guy 1- Does it look like "competing product"?

Guy 2--W-What?






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