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Abit Refugee

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Hello all


New to DFI been using Abit for some years now. I just recieved my 4800 X2 last week and the only bios for my Abit Av8 that is compatible with the X2 is...well lets just say that is why Im here with you now. It was a great stable board with my A-64 3500 but not with the X2 and its required bios I will take delivery Friday of what is in my signature and Im studying these boards so I can have a somewhat trouble free build. If anyone has any pointers regarding my build especially concerning set-up of my single SATA boot drive and the 4800 X2 its very much appreciated. (I have just returned from an Abit induced SATA nightmare with their latest Bios) Ive built a number of boxes but this will be my first DFI. Seems like a nice helpful bunch around here and these forums were the deciding factor in my purchase.




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Guest Shibby

Looks good...just flash to 623-3 official BIOS for X2 support. There's a good setup guide here (search for a thread by ed jacobson) that goes through everything for the board step by step (essentially the same as most builds, just make sure that you have all 4 power connectors hooked up to the mobo).


I have the same ram, had to tweak the BIOS settings slightly so it wouldn't hang on memtest test #8, no biggie.

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Hello and welcome to the forum,

I to am a refugee from Abit, I have an AV8 that I have overclocked to it’s limit, so moved on to an AN8 Ultra. This I found had some issues with the memory clocking (basically not as good as Dfi), and the one I had seemed to be faulty inasmuch as certain CPU multiplier did not seem to work correctly.


So I returned the AN8 Ultra and have purchased a DFI LanParty UT nF4 Ultra-D. This is a fine and very overclockable MB that I am really happy with, however the journey to get it up and running was not easy, as I shall explain.


Before the card arrived (one week ago) I download the latest BIOS so the new MB would work with my Rev E CPU. Put it along with the flash program on to a floppy and waited for the arrival of my new MB. When it came I unpacked it, inspected it, laid it out on my bench, plugged it all together and installed XP without a hitch. EASY.


Next I open the Dfi drive/utility CD sleeve, took out the CD and installed the drivers. During the install a couple of warning messages popped up but the installed continued to the end. However, when it came to reboot XP it all went pair shaped and basically XP was so badly messed up that no amount of rebooting in safe mode, removing of drives, rollback etc etc etc would XP live and work again. So formatted the disk and tried again, went through the same process rebooting XP as each driver was installed and same thing happened..


So, installed XP again and download from Dfi web site the latest nVidia driver and utilities, installed these and everything works like a dream.


So the only thing I can conclude is that the drives supplied on the enclosed CD are a revision or more behind the BIOS and are therefore fundamentally incompatible.


Enjoy your system build (I have) and I wish you good OC’ing, mine has beat the AV8 easy.


Brgds IMK

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Welcome to the forum ianmknight and Jay 76!


If you would like to use MBM5 with your motherboard there is a link below my sig.

Always a good idea to check out THunDA's A64 Overclocking guide and Johnrr6's Bios/Mem Guide. Real good stuff!

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