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I wrote my first review - GeForce 6800


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In case you don't know, VectorTensor (do you skateboard or something? Vector and Tensor make skateboard trucks!), I am Mormon!


Alcohol is strictly forbidden in my religion. Not that I would drink it anyway, even if I weren't Mormon. :)


Have a GREAT Wednesday!




Yes i was well aware of your LDS background, i have a few friends that are LDS and am aware of there strict no alcohol rule. We would all go out to a local sports bar and watch the football games, of course me and my G friend where the only one's drinking in are group :nod:

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wang = king (in chinese)


...are you chinese? :dog:




by the way, although their are some gramatical and spelling errors here and there, its a very good review.




Hmm, I'm Taiwanese!


Yep, Wang does indeed mean "King" in Mandarin.


It tends to be mispronounced when spoken through American mouths. :P


Not to mention its sexual connotation here. Kind of makes me nervous when people (mis)read my last name loudly, lol.


Thanks Hymn! :P

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Guest Halvis

The good. You didnt use ANY extraneous verbage on the conclusion page!


The bad. First page was filled with a "who's who" of "extraneous verbage" and really high falootin words!


The ugly! There was NO "quick link" to your conclusion page!


Overall, a VERY good first review!

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My review of your review of my review of your review!!!

Thank you for that.


But if you're saying that I should keep my opinions regarding things irrelevant to the item being reviewed, why then are you suggesting I expound upon SLI? :confused: There's an incongruity here.


You brought up the issue of SLI by addressing adding an additional card later. That's fine. You should have also made the reader aware of the problem using cards with a different BIOS version.


Thanks for that information about the plastic box thing. However, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only uninformed person in the world regarding this oddity. I still do not like the idea of having a brand new Radeon 9800 Pro shipped to me without the standard anti-static wrap, regardless of whether or not the box is indeed ESD safe.


You can bet that the plastic case cost them more than a simple mylar bag. The plastic case is the anti-static protection and damage control since the card is suspended at the strongest points.


Yes it does. Since the video card covers and is so close to the motherboard chipset, it might not be possible to install it in systems with third-party chipset coolers. I thought it would be nice to warn people implicitly through that little caveat by including that little "opinion" in my review.


"Design Defect" is pretty strong language. If you had simply said you don't like the placement of the chipset cooler it's one thing. But to declare "design defect" is irresponsible at the very least.


Somehow, I get the impression that you don't like what I have to say, or have said. I mean, I haven't heard anything nice from you yet thus far, except you calling me "ignorant" and "arrogant."


But those are the $2 words to describe the exact situation. Lack of knowledge and having a higher opinion of your own thoughts are dangerous things when used improperly.


Not so much as a "nice effort though" or something encouraging like that. :sad: Maybe you are just a plainspoken fellow. In that case, I won't be badgered about it.


I figured you got enough attaboys from all of the other posts. lol


Honestly, if I didn't think you showed real potential I would never have taken the time to respond. I didn't get the Professor Mr. T avatar for my good looks. lol


Your attention to detail and the bulk of the review are very good.


Oh well, I really appreciate your comments though. I will keep them in mind. Thanks.




Just like TOP GUN School for fighter pilots, you die in training so you can live in combat. Just think of me as the first Editor that shot you down on a review for your own good. lol


If I had to give your review a letter grade it would get an A for technical content and a B for writing. Just remember that there is no place for editorial comments in a good hardware review. That's the type of thing that causes problems for most review sites.

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As I said earlier, if I didn't think Torrey had some very real potential I would never have read the review much less posted my comments.


His review is very good and well laid out. I can say that I did pull out the only offending parts for my critique. When you think about it, his review has many good things going for it.


The layout is practically perfect. He is very precise and accurate in his benchmarks. The review flows nicely from one area to another.


His grammar is perfect. There were no "then vs than" or "it's vs its" mistakes that are far to common in most reviews.


Overall it was a very good review especially for a first attempt.


Good job Torrey!



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