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I wrote my first review - GeForce 6800


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Off Topic: There can be confusion when using expanded vocabulary during a review. I always follow by K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid as it keeps me out of trouble. Unless, of course, I am at a formal social event where people are judged by not only the words they use, but the context of the statement they are attempting to communicate. As always, if you don't know the definition of the word you are using, it is better for it not to be said than to say it and look ignorant for doing so. Vocabulary comprehension - such a formidable beast yet looked upon as a sign of intelligence and cause for elevation in the modern world, once it has been conquered. ;)


On Topic: I thought the review was done quite well. I believe there could have another card in the same class put side by side for comparison purposes though that could have drawbacks in the public eye. Especially if the comparison card out-performs the subject being reviewed.


IMO the graphs are more than acceptable as they are (considerations taken for a first review attempt); though not as consistantly displayed throughout the review as they could have been (i.e. missing framerate/resolution markers on the Counter Strike: Source Video Stress Test). Never-the-less, they displayed the information in one of the easy to read 'simple' formats presently available at a glance.


There are several review sites who overlook the fact that many people are not as patient (such as I am) or have the time to sit and decipher presented information. They want it displayed in such a way that gives them the facts without having to delve into graphical deciphering. You have accomplished this simplicity quite well. It may not be up to corporate levels, it clearly states the facts pertaining to said card.


Thank you AceGoober for taking the time to evaluate my work. Oftentimes, I tend to write in such a way that I spit out words quickly without first considering the context in which they are being used. Sometimes that can result in, like you said,

my looking ignorant. However, I never use "big words" just for the sake of using them; English is my favorite subject and I read a lot of literature. I tend to prefer using, most of the time unconsciously, lesser used words.


Anyway, I looked over my review, and did not see such an instance of misusing of words. Could you be so kind as to point them out for me, so I can change them?


Onto the comparison card thing. Yes, I thought about doing that, but having only this one PCI-Express card, it was impossible for me to do so without spending money. I could have taken out my FX-55 and put it in my Gigabyte GA-K8NS Ultra-939 and used my AGP eVGA GeForce 6800 for comparison purposes, but then that would have defeated the objectivity I sought to accomplish in this review, since the nForce3 and nForce4 chipsets are different in many ways. Therefore, I decided to review the performance of this card, rather than its performance in comparison to other cards.


Thank you again!




I knew something was missing. Thanks again for that heads-up.


Question if it is the same memory why is it slower and can you adjust the timings so it does go faster?


I'm sorry, I didn't really understand what you were saying there. Can you please rephrase that? :D


Thanks again!

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I'm sorry, I didn't really understand what you were saying there. Can you please rephrase that? :D


Thanks again!

As you can see, the Chaintech GeForce 6800 sports the same kind of memory as its more powerful cousins, and is manufactured on a smaller process. Also to be noted is Chaintech's version uses 2.5NS RAM chips, instead of the standard 2.8NS chips found in GeForce 6800 graphics cards based on NVidia's reference specifications. This should provide for a higher overclock than regular GeForce 6800s.



If the chain tec has the same memory why is it so much slower? OK re read it is not the same memory as I thought.

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Guest Joalaielna

When i read a reveiw I read only 2 things. The intro and the conclusion. Thats usually all i need. And when i read just that on this review i had trully felt that i had read the whole thing. great conclusion. I also look at the pics and read the subtitles. :) Good job.

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For a first time doing a review, you done an excellent job, pat urself on the back.. get a beer and start writing more for the latest hardware products out there :)

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leviathan - ameliorate - superfluous - repertoire - accolades - proverbial - maxim - equipoise - adriotly(should be adroitly, use a spell checker)


These are the $20 words. A technical review should be written for an 8th grade reading level audience. Every time you use a $20 word, you are pulling the reader out of the review while they try to figure out what that word means and how it applies to the hardware they are reading about.


On your opinions...


"I have bought graphics cards before where the manufacturer simply put the card in a hard plastic box, with no protection of the card from possible static build-up. That is unacceptable. "


No manufacturer would send out high dollar hardware in a package that was prone to ESD that could kill their product before it even got to the customer. The plastic carriers used for electronic components has been produced with certain ESD reducing materials. Result - ignorance!


"One thing I did notice, however, was that the graphics card almost completely shrouded the chipset cooler on my DFI Lanparty UT nF4 SLI-DR. This is due to a design flaw on my motherboard, and is not Chaintech's fault."


The placement of the chipset has nothing to do with the video card you are reviewing. Keep your "design flaw" opinion for a review of the motherboard. Result - arrogance!


In your conclusion you state that you can get one card now and another later when prices drop.


You should have made the reader aware that running video cards in SLI requires that both cards have the same exact BIOS loaded. Manufacturers are always updating the BIOS on their products which has caused problems for users getting video cards from different production lots. If you're gonna give advice, make sure you completely inform the reader of the consequences of that advice.



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leviathan - ameliorate - superfluous - repertoire - accolades - proverbial - maxim - equipoise - adriotly(should be adroitly, use a spell checker)


These are the $20 words. A technical review should be written for an 8th grade reading level audience. Every time you use a $20 word, you are pulling the reader out of the review while they try to figure out what that word means and how it applies to the hardware they are reading about.


On your opinions...


"I have bought graphics cards before where the manufacturer simply put the card in a hard plastic box, with no protection of the card from possible static build-up. That is unacceptable. "


No manufacturer would send out high dollar hardware in a package that was prone to ESD that could kill their product before it even got to the customer. The plastic carriers used for electronic components has been produced with certain ESD reducing materials. Result - ignorance!


"One thing I did notice, however, was that the graphics card almost completely shrouded the chipset cooler on my DFI Lanparty UT nF4 SLI-DR. This is due to a design flaw on my motherboard, and is not Chaintech's fault."


The placement of the chipset has nothing to do with the video card you are reviewing. Keep your "design flaw" opinion for a review of the motherboard. Result - arrogance!


In your conclusion you state that you can get one card now and another later when prices drop.


You should have made the reader aware that running video cards in SLI requires that both cards have the same exact BIOS loaded. Manufacturers are always updating the BIOS on their products which has caused problems for users getting video cards from different production lots. If you're gonna give advice, make sure you completely inform the reader of the consequences of that advice.




Thank you for that.


But if you're saying that I should keep my opinions regarding things irrelevant to the item being reviewed, why then are you suggesting I expound upon SLI? :confused: There's an incongruity here.


Thanks for that information about the plastic box thing. However, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only uninformed person in the world regarding this oddity. I still do not like the idea of having a brand new Radeon 9800 Pro shipped to me without the standard anti-static wrap, regardless of whether or not the box is indeed ESD safe.


The placement of the chipset has nothing to do with the video card you are reviewing.


Yes it does. Since the video card covers and is so close to the motherboard chipset, it might not be possible to install it in systems with third-party chipset coolers. I thought it would be nice to warn people implicitly through that little caveat by including that little "opinion" in my review.


Somehow, I get the impression that you don't like what I have to say, or have said. I mean, I haven't heard anything nice from you yet thus far, except you calling me "ignorant" and "arrogant." Not so much as a "nice effort though" or something encouraging like that. :sad: Maybe you are just a plainspoken fellow. In that case, I won't be badgered about it.


Oh well, I really appreciate your comments though. I will keep them in mind. Thanks.



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In case you don't know, VectorTensor (do you skateboard or something? Vector and Tensor make skateboard trucks!), I am Mormon!


Alcohol is strictly forbidden in my religion. Not that I would drink it anyway, even if I weren't Mormon. :)


Have a GREAT Wednesday!



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Would any of you guys care to critique it?


I understand this isn't a geforce 7800gtx and that there are tons of reviews on this card available already, but I did it mainly for the experience, which I'm happy to say I enjoyed tremendously.


Anyway, I sure hope it's detailed enough. lol :D






NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Review

by Torrey Wang, August 6 2005


wang = king (in chinese)


...are you chinese? :dog:




by the way, although their are some gramatical and spelling errors here and there, its a very good review.



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