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DIABLO III: Rumor or Reality?


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Blizzard still puts out high quality games....the popularity of WoW should be enough to convince anyone that if they put their mind to it, they can make the best games still.


Just because the original Diablo guys are gone doesn't mean they can't put out quality work...they do have two previous Diablo games to reference and use as a baseline.


Blizzard, no matter which division, has always had the highest internal quality control of just about any game dev on the planet.

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100% agree, Bliz is its glory/curse, we always have to wait so long!! WoW is outstanding, although I don't play it :( 15$ a month!!!! hehe!, I just pointing out that sometimes franchises are used in the cash cow manner, I am not worried about the developer, its publishers that are scary, and I sure hope they do use the others are references and build apon them, many of the bliz north team is still there, and they derserve alot of credit, I am just worried they might change the game, maybe even a good game, but not Diablo, look at Dungen Siege, ( I love that game) but its not Diablo, it has alot of simularities, but is missing the Diabloness O-o. I as a gamer, hope its as good as a game possible, but dunno only time will tell. Speaking of RPGs, I am a hardcore sega fan, and rampant lover of Panzer Dragoon Series, anyone here Play Panzer Dragoon Saga? (My fav game of all time)

Blizzard still puts out high quality games....the popularity of WoW should be enough to convince anyone that if they put their mind to it, they can make the best games still.


Just because the original Diablo guys are gone doesn't mean they can't put out quality work...they do have two previous Diablo games to reference and use as a baseline.


Blizzard, no matter which division, has always had the highest internal quality control of just about any game dev on the planet.

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D2 took up a good chunk of my life, my fav char was my all around barb that could bvb bva or even act as a zon killer, not many zons could escape it and if they did they were damned tired before I died. Assassins were my favorite, I had a ton of them. Most of my stuff got lost when I took a break and I never started again but a new diablo would rock, I don't think it's something they'd bring out though, look at wow it's got a huge market and they've got no reason to compete with it as far as I know. Plus I think it would be extremely hard to update diablo and keep the aspect which only diablo had. I'd be damned excited though if it came out

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Sorc was my fav, Barb was most fun, Assasin, well you had one sec to live ;), made aaround 6 of them until I perfected, light traps + the rest mix of Dragon Talon, for mind blasting, psn, and mad leech. Zon, most lethal, because I had to fight uber hacked chars, I perfected the act of PVP, I could shoot just as good if not better than someone with map hack, and I never used it on Bnet, although I wish they did add it in the game, map hack was very useful, for mfing etc, and mfed good old Tal Rashas and Occy + ist, and or Gull Dagger. Exile-PVP 4ever

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By the way guys, D2 Patch 1.11 is out and a new ladder season just started yesterday. I logged on to see the first char was level 4 on ladder! So, I decided to start a new account and a zon. Old account had a 98 necro and a 96 pally...uber godly :) from season 2 ladder.


PM me if you wanna play some time. My favorite char is necro...pure boner with decrepify. I could and can solo chaos and throne in 8 people hell game. Now, he is non-ladder :).


I generally play at nite time to time. Not much into ladder craze but, like becoming a noobie again. And yes, I am sure like Prince of Persia Diablo set a level for action RPG. Its still hot.


If D3 comes out, which I am sure it will, I do hope they don't charge money to play it.


- Rex

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