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lanparty nf4 ultra-d problems

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i've just bought the above mobo together with a venice 3200.


well, i've got a few problems that i've enountered. a few i solved myself. at first the bios is unable to detect my sata-2 hdd and unable to do dual channel, but a clearing of cmos will do.


1) now after installation of windows, unable to boot into windows. the computer will restart after the windows loading logo comes up on the screen. I've no idea how to solve this problem!


2) tried to update bios. However, the system does not seem to be able to boot from floppy. I've already set floppy as first boot device but the above scenario still happens (no. 1). I notice that the floppy drive is constantly lighted up once i on the system. I've changed floppy drives but the same thing happen. What should I do now?


I'm at my wits end now....one problem after another...haha...but somehow i still kinda love this board...=p


specs of my system:


venice 3200

dfi lanparty nf4 ultra-d

2 x 512mb kingston hynix value ram (ddr400)

leadtek 6600gt pci express

hitachi deskstar sata-2 160gb HDD

samsung combo drive

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I notice that the floppy drive is constantly lighted up once i on the system.



venice 3200

dfi lanparty nf4 ultra-d

2 x 512mb kingston hynix value ram (ddr400)

leadtek 6600gt pci express

hitachi deskstar sata-2 160gb HDD

samsung combo drive


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Ok, not at the MOBO, but at the floppy itself, unplug it, turn the plug-in 180 degrees and plug it back in. When the light is on full time on the floppy, it is plugged in upside down /backwards.

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thx for the reply!


well...i turned it 180 degrees and the same thg happen..the floppy still keep lighted...in bios the floppy is detected also.


now whenever i turn on comp, a few thgs might happen:


1) one is that it will successfully POST and load windows completely.

2) POST successfull but windows load half way then reboot repeatedly

3) led stuck at on lighted and the screen is blank except for a cursor blinking on top left

4) once turn on will reboot repeatedly


usually, it'll be solved by clearing cmos...but i dun wanna clear cmos everytime i switch on my computer!

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what power supply ? 480 minimum.


Have you qualified your memory with memtest before the install?


*(I think 3/10 has memtest in the bios itself, not sure when added but the later bios's do.)


I have seen bad stuff on hynix as well as ANY value ram and DFI so thats the primary suspect. *(search dfi for similar instances / settings / resolutions.)


Worst case scenario. Get this and burn it to a cd and boot to memtest from it.



Get memory stable and then flash bios.... You can use a stick of pc 2100 (+) if you have any laying around that will qualify in memtest.


You have 1/17? or 3/10 as a shipping bios. For full cpu/memory support you should flash to latest official bios. 6/23


nf4 build thread. Use as a rough guide and substitute your setttings where applicable.http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...04&postcount=49

EDIT. oh and wher you get there, use SP2 slipstreamed or an oem XP sp2 disk and dont try to update to sp2 from an sp1 install.

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In addition to what Oceanseasforme said:

Have you tried loading the "Fail safe defaults" in the BIOS? This may help you to find a little stability. Also, make sure you have all 4 power connections plugged in. Maybe try going back to single channel memory temporarily for greater stability as well. Definately flash to the latest official bios when you can.

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hi, thx for the reply guys


i've just ran memtest on dual channel and immediately there's tons's of errors. However when i run single channel, everythg is fine. wad shud i do to allow dual channel?


also, how to solve the floppy problem? i really wanna flash my bios but my floppy light just keep on lighting up!! could it be my floppy connector on mobo is faulty? my floppy is detected in bios. i tried to make a bootable cd to flash bios but it does not seem to work. how to make bootable cd?


i've tried the settings for rgone but not from angrygames. will try it later.


oh ya, the dreaded BSOD appear sometimes too. =(

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another thg, my two sticks of ram is value ram and hynix based....i really hope that it'll work with my mobo rite? it shud be a temporary problem which could be solved? or is the lanparty board really technically not compatible?

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ok...i've figured how to do the bootable cd thing and have flashed to lastest bios...


good news first, i'm now able to load into windows as long as i switch on the computer using the power button...i'm still not sure if this is stable...


bad news...if i click restart in windows..the system will POST den the monitor will go dead (no signal) and nothing else will happen.


and the floppy problem is not solved yet too...

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hi...it's me again...


i've went thru the forums and I realise that the requirements is 480W PSU.


I've running a OCZ powerstream 420W PSU because I checked the mobo manual which says minimum 350W if I'm running a64 3400+ and 6600gt x 2. I'm not even running 6600gt x 2 so I figured 420W is sufficient. And the guy at the shop says its more than enough so I bought it.


Is it true that 420W is not enough even for a non-SLI rig like mine? I'm praying hard that my money spent of this OCZ powerstream is not wasted....

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And for the floppy, if it doesnt have a plastic shroud on the connector to guide it on the pins properly, then you might have just plugged it in a little to the left or right and its not connecting all the pins.


Take the floppy out of the computer completely so you can see what you are doing and plug it in there and see if you have the same problem.

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