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lanparty nf4 ultra-d problems

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seems that the windows boot errors are solved now, as long as i put in one stick of ram.


however, once i try two sticks of ram, a message says some system/config file in windows is corrupted. Bios successfully recognised the dual channel but memtest fails immediately with tons and tons of errors. i've memtested both sticks individually and they are fine..


the floppy problem still remains. anyone have any idea how to solve this?

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Motherboard has 4 power connectors, did you plug 4 power connectors into the board?


Floppy drive requires a power connector too.

Does you power supply have 1 floppy power connector?

And is this in the board?


Value ram can be a problem and Hynix chips are a problem on the DFI nf4 board.

What is your memory CAS latency? CL2.5 or CL3?


Best option would be to get some better memory modules.

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yup...all 4 power connectors i've plugged in....floppy power i also plugged in.

i've turned both floppy data cable and power cable both ways but still it cannot work.. on certain configurations, the floppy light don;t light up at all while on others, the light just stays on forever. how to check if it is the floppy connector on the board that is faulty?


hynix ram chips really got so much problem? no way to solve it? I just bought all my stuff only....sob...now must change my power supply and my RAM (and maybe my mobo too since floppy connector might be faulty)??? I've did one month of homework before my purchases and I still made so many mistakes....And I did not stumble on this forum untill I've BOUGHT my stuff...so unlucky...the person at the shop also tell me no problem...


anyway, my RAMs are 3-3-3-8

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In the BIOS try this,


>DRAM Configuration..................Press Enter = New Menu

FSB BUS Frequency....................200

DRAM Voltage Control.................2.7 V


GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............Enabled

Cas latency (tCL)....................3

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............3

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........8

Row precharge time (tRP).............3

Row cycle time (tRC).................11

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........14

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............2

Write recovery time (tWR)............3

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........2

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........2

Refresh period (tREF)................AUTO

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................Decrease Skew

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................AUTO

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............AUTO

Max Async Latency....................6ns

Dram Response........................Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................AUTO

Dynamic Counter......................Disabled

R/W Queue Bypass.....................AUTO

Bypass Max...........................AUTO

32 Byte Granularity..................Disable (8 Bursts)


These may not work.


The run memtest with both sticks and see what happens.

BIOS 623-3 may also help.

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thanks! i'll try it later in the day...it's 3.30am here in Singapore =p


by the way, is it necessary to change my PSU? I'm using a 420W OCZ powerstream. I do not want to realise half a year later that m PSU had been gradually frying up my components....I don't SLI but I do plan to overclock a fair bit..once all these issues had been settled..


again, what's the probability of the floppy connector being faulty? Is it possible with the symptoms I'm experiencin? If the probability is quite high I would go down to the shop for an exchange at once...


and a side question, since I'm overclocking, would it be better to get RAMs with looser timings (such as 2.5/3-4-4-7/8) but are able to push to 280-300mhz or would it be better to get RAMs with more aggressive timings (such as 2-2-2-6) but only able to go to around 250-260mhz and run a divider with the FSB.

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Yes you should go for a stronger psu, 480W/500W or 520W.


Could the floppy problem be cable or bent pins?

If you are not sure get the board replaced. (this would be a good idea).



Your overclocking question, it depends on the rating, PC3200 or PC4800?

If you want to overclock PC3200, they must be rated 2-2-2-5.

If you want to reach 280Mhz+, they must have TCCD/TCC5 chips.

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