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Damn my 3200+ Venice... wont OC properly.

Guest Slack_merged

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Guest Slack

First things first, I'm on the 623 bios (latest one, which ever that is, think ut's 6/23). Rest of specs as per sig.


I want to OC my 3200+ so I have followed a guide to find the optimum CPU settings... but I can't get the damn thing to boot (load XP)


Settings are:


RAM 100 (1/2)

HTT (or as DFI says LDT/FSB): x3.0

CPU Multi (CPU/FSB): x9.0

FSB bus: 230 and then 220


then I can't get it to boot(load windows) Which is REALLY odd seeing as i CAN run everything normally and just stick the FSB up to 225 with absolutely NO problems?!?


What am I doing wrong? Anyone with a 64 Venice 3200+ please tell me what OC you got (I'm on air) and what voltages you are on. Something is seriously wrong here!!




Cheers - Slack

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Guest chrisexv6

Try entering the RAM settings and disabling Command Per Cycle (CPC).


While I had no problem getting into Windows with it enabled, I couldnt run OCCT without failing. Even after doing the same as you to make sure the RAM wasnt hitting a wall, so that I could try and test the max speed of my CPU.


Ive heard that with 4x512 modules its even more necessary to turn off CPC.



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Hi there,


Im on a 3200+ Venice and my OC's DRASTICALLY reduced when i put the second lot of 2x512Mb sticks in my machine (ie to make 2Gb total). I managed to get 2.6Ghz out of my venice easily with just 2x512Mb sticks in. Then with 5 sticks in i had probs acheiving 2.4Ghz. Im currently not overclocked and i have a day off booked this Monday (plus the weekend) to give me 3 days of solid 4x512Mb vs 2x512Mb overclocking comparisons. I will let you know what i find.


Im also still running on a NON recommended PSU so that may be holding things up. However i do intend to drop the Hiper PSU in also and see what difference that makes !!

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Guest Slack

Well, both of you are on the right track it seems.


I manually disabled the CPC and yeah, I'm in windows now. Thanks chrisexv6.


Yeah, I'm on 4 sticks of 512mb and I need to be. I do a lot of music that really does need 2gb of ram... I'm thinking my next PC build will probably need 4gb for my music production... but that's another year or two away!!


Cheers Pihrana, If I manage to find/work out some info on this issue, I will PM you, if you get something, can you PM me?


I have been trying to get my PC setup for weeks now... I've installed XP over 10 times on it and it's really driving me mad!!


I would still be interested to see peoples 3200+ 90nm Venice volatges!!

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1.325 startup, 110% special, 1.325 control

Suggested to leave them at 1.325 and up it using the special. try this, and if possible, lower the 110%, or if needed go up to 126% (but I wouldn't go over this while on stock air), but as always watch your temps!!!

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