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xp-90 doens't show improvement


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infact, it's worse. at idle i'm at like 52, 54. cpu is at 1.5V according to ite. wtf? should take it off and reapply the paste?

Whoa! Definitely. Theres something definitely not right there farton.


What fan are you using with it, that Panaflo?

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I wouldn't have imagined so, not that much difference anyway. 54°C @ Idle with just 1.5v with an XP-90 definitely isn't right...


Maybe you haven't fitted it correctly somehow. Just clean up the heatsink & CPU with isopropyl and then reapply the paste and reseat it. What paste is it, Arctic Silver? If so follow the instructions on their site.

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AS5 does take awhile to cure(around 200hours). Once fully cured you'll find that will drop your temps a bit but not by a massive amount, around 2-5°C on systems that take readings directly from the CPU Diode.

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Are you monitoring your room temps? Is the fan mounted to blow down onto the XP-90? Did you get the retainer ring fully seated when you replaced the stock mount? Are the retention clips fully seated on the ring? Did you apply the AS5 according to the instructions on their site? Have you changed the FAN settings in BIOS to turn on Full at >25C?


well i just remounted the heatsink. it's at low 40 idle. BUT that's how it was last time. when i let the computer on it soared to 50. so i'll see if it does it again. and if it does, i guess it can't be helped.

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