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Pre-build issues/questions

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Pre-build questions.


So here I have compiled a list of questions I have to ask. My rig is under construction (sig).


What I have as things to do (correct me if I'm wrong):


1) I plug all the 4 power cables into the motherboard even if I'm running a PCI (not PCIe) graphics card (Refer to sig below.. I'm running a V3 until I can get my hands on a 7800GT).


2) Turn on comp, flash to newer bios (follow the CMOS reset guide by AngryGames)


3) Burn in mem for a good 12 hours if not 24 hours (the problem is whether I can wait this long... I'm so eager to use the new comp).


4) Setup Windows XP w/ SP2 integrated

a. I will have latest NV Chipset drivers on a CD-RW, latest 3dfx stuff (lol)

b. Tweak programs.. MBM, A64 TWeaker, Clockgen, Smartguardian

c. Prime/Bench away


5) Reformat and and run at a stable OC (not too high) and then setup for regular daily use.. possible dual boot with 64-bit XP.




1) LAN

a. I use the NV port right? Not the Marvell port?

b. Better to turn the secondary lan on or off?

c. If off, do I need to bother to install drivers in Windows?

d. Firewall on or off? I have a router, will use SP2 firewall already, and Norton Systemworks seems to defend as a half firewall


2) Hard drives

a. I have a PATA hard drive, but it is recommended that I DO NOT plug it in for Windows install right? My SATA drive is the primary drive.


3) North Bridge cooler

a. It's not too hard to remove right? Pinch the pins on the back? Warm it up a bit so it loosens?

b. I plan to use an Iceberq4 (Vantec) which is like a Spire cooler or Revoltech.

c. File/dremel one small edge off and it's good to mount right?


4) PCI slots

a. I thought I read something about new bios not being able to support PCI cards??? I have to use my Voodoo 3 for a month at least!


5) OCZ VX burnin

a. 250 MHz @ 2-2-2 @ 3.3v right? (this requires 5V jumper?)

b. http://www.bleedinedge.com/forum/showpost....19&postcount=91

c. ^^ is that good settings? Anything you would change?

d. I know that is for stability reasons but LDT can be 5x right?

e. Lets not assume my ram will give me hell and all that, but for optimal settings, is this fine?

f. I would prefer to know optimum settings like what you overclockers like to set at...


6) CPU Voltage

a. Can someone explain to me how CPU VID Special control works? I understand setting VID, but the %???



Thank you very much!


To bad I'll be in LA this weekend. My CPU and mobo and all other important parts are coming in Thursday, but I will be gone by then (sniff). I'm sitting here staring at my sticks of VX still in their package and my XP-120 cooler which is without a motherboard to plug into.... I'll be sure to share pictures and overclocking results/benches. Just don't expect my 3D Mark to be anything nice with this pathetic Voodoo 3 (I wouldn't be surprised if my laptop slaughtered my desktop with a Radeon 9000).

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1. Yes plug in all 4.


2. Yes this is the first thing you want to do. Need to flash to 510-x or later to support your processor. I suggest you flash to the latest official bios 623-3


3. You want to run memtest on each stick in dimm slot 2 first. If all is good, rum mem test on both either slot's 1 and 3 or 2 and 4. This is not burning them in, but qualify them (make sure they are good and your system is stable), before installing your OS.


4 This is the order I suggest you use after install XP

1. Install LAN drivers - reboot.

2. Install all OS SP's updates, and patches - reboot

3. Install chipset drivers* - reboot

4. Install video drivers - reboot

5. Install AV and or s/w firewall - reboot.

6 Install the rest

*This site does not recommend installation of ntune or nvidia firewall. You will only need to install nvidia IDE drivers if you are using raid.


5. ? If all is good why reformat.


Ok you can either use marvell or NV LAN. Or both, this is your choice. You can only disable marvell LAN in bios though. I think I answered your question about nv fireware above.

Only connect the harddrive your are going to install your OS on.

Your PCI slots should be ok with any bios you flash to.

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Wow thanks a lot!!!


But will I have to plug in my floppy's power if I already plug the 4 pin connector to the motherboard?


Yep. That connector on the MB gives power to the MB, not the Floppy. If you don't have a splitter or a second 4-pin plug, I've seen it said here that you should be able to temporarily move it to the floppy while you use it then put it back when you are done.

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Ok another one.. If I'm to burn my memory in at 250 2-2-2-8 @ 3.3v..........


What about the CPU? Memtest burning in should be done overnight right? Preferably 24 hrs even, so I should run at like 9 x 250 or something? or use a divider? Or should I just test my CPU then too cuz I'm sure it would be able to do 11x250 with an XP-120 unless I get some total POS stepping/

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Can someone explain to me how CPU VID Special control works? I understand setting VID, but the %???


Is this just like CPU voltage * 104%? I don't understand why this is here. Can't you just bump the actual voltage up yourself? Why bother with this %%% thing?


Edit: Also I should flash to 623-2? I thought lots of ppl said 704-2 was much better and one of the most stable ones... or is it a good idea to stick with official bios?

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