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New member with thanks and questions

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I just finished my first build thanks to this forum. I never would have been able to get through several sticky spots without having this forum to refer to. Thanks to everyone whose posts helped me. The names are too numerous to mention.


The only problem I'm experiencing is a dead floppy drive. It worked initially but then died. I've got the sony in my signature on order. Hopefully this will fix the problem since I've rechecked all the connections and they seem to be in order.


I never ran memtest or prime or cleared the CMOS because I was too impatient once the hardware was delivered. Is it still a good idea to do this?


Is there a basic tutorial about setting the bios parameters to match cpu/memory/etc? I have looked at several bios exemples posted here but I can't relate them to the hardware specs. Anyone who could point me to a place where a bios moron like me could learn a couple things would be appreciated.


Thanks again for all the help. This forum is one of the main reasons that I went with the DFI board.

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I ran memset all night with no errors. I also ran prime for several hours with no errors as well. Please take a look at the temps. and voltages below and let me know if I have anything to worry about. Sorry to be a pain but this is my first build and I don't want it to blow up.


Room temp. was 70 when these were taken.


The first set of temps. is at idle:



the next set is with Prime running for about 20 minutes:



Thanks again for all the help,


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