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wtf, wd raptor strange problem..

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so i have a 74gb wd raptor drive, and i just realized something in my taskbar. 'safely remove hardware'.. strange, dont have anything plugged into the computer.. i double-click it, and my raptor drive is in that list! huh?? so i can totally disable my raptor from inside windows? why??

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so i have a 74gb wd raptor drive, and i just realized something in my taskbar. 'safely remove hardware'.. strange, dont have anything plugged into the computer.. i double-click it, and my raptor drive is in that list! huh?? so i can totally disable my raptor from inside windows? why??



In the future please try to use the search feature.. If you do a seach for "safely remove hardware" you would have your answer very easy....



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My sata drive does this too, the strange thing being that it didn't before I swapped the bulk of the components (mobo, processor, CPU). Same hard drive, same hotfixes, same version of windows...Oh, I bet it has something to do with this board having a sata II controller (my old one only had SATA1), which is itself odd, because I thought SATA1 supposedly had that as well. At any rate, this (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s.../kellyxp03.mspx) tells you how to get rid of it.

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Did you try setting under "Policies" on the drivers properties? I think many SATA drives are hot swappable. I have selected to "Optimize for performance", the other options is "Qptimize for quick removal".

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The Removable Device icon shows up because the nF4 chipset has SATA II support. There is nothing you can do to change how the OS sees the chipset. You can hide the icon manually or let it auto-hide.

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