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nF4 Nvidia raid setup

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Ok i must be missing something in manual or a bios setting. Silicon setup is all I can find in bios cant figure out how to get nvidia raid setup going. Clue please.

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Nope I must be missing something followed angry's tutorial no nvidia raid showing up in post screen Now one thing is on angry's tutorial he has 3-16 bios circled has nvidia fixes this board has 310 bios from DFI with same fixes basically

Raid setup seems to be like it is on the nF3 250GB board I'm not sure what step I'm missing

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Flashed 623-3bios went fine Going to go over manual one more time I know I'm missing something here. When silicon raid is enabled it shows in post. I can not get Nvidia raid array setup to display in post

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Ok who wants to take a shot at why dumb butt Cat could not get Nvidia raid utility to show up in bios. I followe Angry's tutorial to the letter and flashed current bios.

So why?


By the way I could get silicon raid utility to work in bios.

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