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Stupid noob question - router settings and BF2

Guest Shibby_merged

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Guest Shibby

Okay, I needed to get a wireless setup for my system because of location issues with respect to the cable hookups in my new place. I scavenged a D-Link DI-514 (yeah, it's old and cheap) from my buddy.


Everything seemed to be working fine, but I FINALLY bought BF2, and am having connection issues (ie: the game freezes often with "connection interrupted" showing), and I eventually lose my connection to the server. I'm ~guessing~ that this is an issue with my router settings (please correct me if I'm wrong).


K, here's the really dumb part. The BF2 manual tells me what ports it uses, but I have ZERO idea of how to implement this in my router settings. I've never had a router before, and this stuff isn't readily obvious (at least to a tool like me). Any tips or help would be much appreciated. It's pretty frustrating (both getting booted, and my lack of intelligence).





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BF2 is a huge resource hog. If you haven't taken the time to optimize your rig you are going to pay the price in game performance.


The first time I installed BF2 on Aileen I had lots of lag and performance problems. Aileen had been running for a couple of months doing benchmarks and OC testing. During this time I experienced quite a few OS crashes and the normal lockups.


Without making any changes to the hardware, I performed a clean OS install then put BF2 back on.


Been running slick as hell for the past three weeks. No lag, no long disconnects, just smooth game play.


If I could only get two pair of unmatched TCCD RAM to boot in the rig I'd be running with 2GB right now.

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Forward ports, go to 192.xx.xx.xx whatever your router tells you open the range the game uses, for low lat, high lat. Then you should be fine, otherwise like Roadie said its your pc.

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Guest Shibby

Thanks guys,


@ExRoadie: I've been tweaking my settings and whatnot, but I'm not sure that's the problem. I can play in single player mode no problem. Also, I tried installing an older game as a 'test', Wolfenstein:ET, and I'm experiencing the same problems.


Guess I'll have to buckle down and actually figure out how my router works, and at least eliminate that as a possibility

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Guest Shibby

Fixed up my router settings, seems to have cleared things up. Thanks for the advice guys

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