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SATA error loading windows

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AMD 4000


Not done anything with bios

OCZ Plat EE 4800 TCCD (2X512 in orange slots)

2 X SATA II Wester Digital 250 Gig 16 mg cache

BFG 7800


1. I was having the NTLDR error so I disabled all drives except for CD and booted from CD Rom


2. HD were formated and particioned.


3. Windows starts to load hit F6


4. Windows loads drivers and then gives options for HD.


5. Load first two drivers from SATA RAID driver NIVIDIA NF4 Disk which came with computer. At first I tried the third driver also which is for XP server and when had error went to Western Digital Site and pulled their version of Silicon Image XP Server.


6. Drivers load. Windows tries to start and BOOOM! It hates me! The following is what the error says:


Check for virsus on your computer (none possible). Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chdsk /f to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart.


Techincal info:


** Stop: 0x0000007B (0xF7C79524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)


Finally, In case you can not tell this is my first system build :sweat: Please be over articulate for this noob.......lol



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Welcome Rok,

Please create a signature. See my signature for link.

Have you flashed your bios to the latest official bios? The "shipped" bios most likely does not support your processor. - Need to do this first.

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Welcome Rok,

Please create a signature. See my signature for link.

Have you flashed your bios to the latest official bios? The "shipped" bios most likely does not support your processor. - Need to do this first.


good info nd no as iwas told not too... wich bios would you recommend.



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OK if you are trying one drive no nees to press F6. That is only for Raid. So try without F6 and see if it works ;)


i could only wish it was that simple....but good thought!

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