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Panda's Venice 3000+, OCZ Gold, OC'ing Thread (Mods R Welcome)

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Welcome to my Overclocking thread!


This weekend I am planning on clocking to at least 2.5 ghz (Hopefully) :rolleyes: with your guy's awesome help.


Tonight I am going to take my MB out, and re-seat the Chipset Fan with a bit of AS5, it is running at about 52 deg under load, and that is a bit high for me, do you agree? I may just do that later, and overclock tonight, depending on your guy's opinion.


Whatever the case, I will report to you guys all my BIOS settings. Would you rather me tye it out like Sharp is in the habit of doing, or use a program to relate to you guys the information?


Looking forward to working with you.. :nod:

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Ok here are all my BIOS specs..Hope this helps.


Athlon 64 (1.3) 2251 Mhz

L1 Cache: 128k

L2 Cache: 512k

Memory: 1023M

RAM: 187 Mhz (DDR 375)



Bus Freq: 250

LDT/FSB Ratio: Auto

CPU/FSB Ratio: x9.0

PCI Freq: 101

CPU Vid Startup: 1.4v

CPU Core: 1.49v

LDT Bus: 1.2v

Chip Set: 1.6v

DRAM: 3.06v

CPU Vid Control: 1.2v

Above 126%

LDT "Voltage Control": 1.2v

Chip Set "": 1.6v

DRAM "': 3.0v




DRAM Config:


Freq Set: 150 3/4

CPC: Enable

CAS Latency Control: 2.0


Increase Skew


DRAM Drive Strength: Level 8

Data Drive Stength: Auto

Max Async Latency: 7 Nano

DRAM Response: Fast

Read Preamble Time: Auto

Idle Cycle: 004 Cycles

Dynamic Counter: Disable

Que Bypass: 16x

Bypass Max: 7x

Disable (4 Bursts)




If you could, please use this as a template when giving me suggestions!


Thanks alot everyone! :P

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Imo you should get a lot higher, try bumping your vcore 0.05 and see if it helps, thats still within safe ranges and might give you a big boost.

Mine scales exactly with the voltage i feed to it, LDT and chipset voltage have little/no effect tho. I run 1.6v through the chipset but keep ldt at stock.


1.38v : 2050mhz max

1.45v : 2340mhz max

1.52v : 2565mhz max


Currently 1.55v (bios that is) : 2808mhz rock stable. 8h OCCT, 24h prime.


1.59v : 2862mhz max stable


After this (318 HTT) i hit a wall tho, upping the fsb even one will give me a bluescreen when stresstesting, even if i pump 1.7v through it. And seeing that you're at the 1.49 mark i think you can push a bit more through it. Oh and try burning in that chip, you'll se better OC's at less voltages then.

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By the way I am reading your guide, but I don't know what some of the default settings are for my Core..


I am using these DRAM setting ATM, how do they look?


Cpu Multi -> x9

Htt -> 300

HTT Multi -> x3

Dram Divider -> 150

CPC -> Enable













Bank Interleave -> Enable

DQS Skew Control -> Auto

DQS Skew Value=0

DRAM Drive Strength=8

DRAM Data Drive Strength=1

Max Async Latency=9

Read Preamble Time=6

Idle Cycle Limit=256

Dynamic Counter -> Disable

R/W Queue Bypass=16

Bypass Max=7

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Have you found the max of your cpu yet ??


Just dont forget.. it doesnt happen overnight.. Im at 242x12 now and it prolly took me WEEKS to get it to where it runs prime, memtest and loops 3dmark01 overnight.. 8-10 hours..

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I am trying to find the max of my CPU, but ,"CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio (CPU Multi) to default. Do NOT use the auto setting! Manually set it to whatever your default multi is. "


I don't know what the default is?!


Thanks Thunda

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I am trying to find the max of my CPU, but ,"CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio (CPU Multi) to default. Do NOT use the auto setting! Manually set it to whatever your default multi is. "


I don't know what the default is?!


Thanks Thunda


a64 3000+ --> Venice --> 1.4v --> 9 --> 1800MHz --> 64+64 512 KB



Found here..

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