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XP install hangsat Intel IDE Bus Driver

Guest mark_merged

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i'm attempting to install windows xp and when setup gets to "setup is loading files (intel IDE bus driver)", the install hangs. i have 2 160gb western digital ata/100 drives and my processor is an AMD Athlon 2800+ Newcastle. i have sata disabled in the bios and am not looking to configure these as raid. i see similar problems here, but they involve a raid configuration.


does anyone have any suggestions?



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please check the rules and the Important Info threads stuck to the top of this section.


If you are looking for help, reading this is the most important first-step for you to take.


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#2 you should not be loading Intel drivers for AMD chipset (NF4/VIA) motherboards

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Doesn't it load all that by default?

As soon as you boot from the XP setup CD it starts copying files for the setup, it displays a list of files it is copying where you see the F2/press F6 bit.


I think that is what mark meant?


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yes, xp install is attempting to load it. i didn't understand why, since i have an amd processor.


i'll gather all the info (bios version, etc) and repost later

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ok, i added most of the info to my signature. stupid question here: how do i find out my bios version? i don't see it when i boot up. is there anything else i should include?



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Run CPUZ and go to the motherboard TAB.

Look for the BIOS date.

thanks, but i have no os on my machine. this is a new build.


ok, another stupid question...my understanding is xp will format my drives for me, is this correct?

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Guest Shibby

To see BIOS version: go into BIOS/advanced options, and disable the Full Screen Logo option. Savea and restart, you will see the BIOS date in the lower left side of the screen


formatting drives: XP will format your drives if you tell it to during the install process. I think that there are 4 options for formatting, quick formatting, not formatting, and something else which I can't think of. It comes right after the part where it asks about setting up partitions.


One question for you: Have you run memtest to see if your memory is okay? If not, run it for a couple hours or preferably overnight and see if any errors come up. Many windows install problems come from faulty memory (or memory not set up correctly).

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i'll disable the full screen logo tonight.


where can i find memtest? i did a search and the only one i found was a windows version.


as for setting up the memory in bios, i left everything in the dram configuration section set to auto. is there anything i should specifically change?


since i have two ram sticks, how about trying the install with only one of them installed?

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Guest Shibby

Memtest: http://www.memtest86.com/


You have to install it from windows to make a bootable floppy. Then you boot from your floppy and memtest will start up. Just let it run on default settings, it will run through 8 tests indefinitely until you stop it. Like I said earlier, overnight (8-9 hours or more) is a good amount of time for a thorough test.

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(found the paper i wrote this on, so...)

i also tried installing win2k last night. it got past the intel ide bus driver (where xp is hanging) and asked if i wanted to install/repair/whatever. i choose new installation and i then got the following stop error:


0x0000004E (0x0000008F, 0x00008580, 0x00008500, 0x00000000) PFN_LIST_CORRUPT


my only option was to reboot, couldn't get past this.


i'll post my bios version when i get home.




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