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IRQ conflicts galore

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Hi folks.


Just got my motherboard from Newegg after RMA #1, and now, instead of a board that won't post at all, I'm getting tons of IRQ conflicts.


Now, in reading other threads on these boards, it seems that the IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN BSOD error isn't always actually due to IRQ conflicts, but is potentially due to a driver conflict (which I'm investigating), but also can be due to CPU frequency and/or RAM voltage?


I'm relatively new to building systems, what should I put these settings to in order to avoid problems?


Thanks in advance!

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Start here with basics I keep for new users by email.




I imagine due the immenntly tweakble and adjustable nature of these boards that you would find yourself in a much more tenable position if you actually saw and knew of users results and guides written to bring their configuration into a better state of usability. Posted below is what most find needing real attention as some early steps. I will also add that the users that gather in the 64 bit forums at www.dfi-street.com are real world users on a daily basis of the DFI NF4 series of boards. The forums are the gathering place where the users have come mostly with problems to start with and sort the problems and many stay to help others.


Appropiate power suppy:

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...75&postcount=13 Official statement on 24 pin...


http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10854 Later P/s thread with real recommends. Davidhammock200.


Four power inputs for the board:

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...367&postcount=2 Pics of FOUR power connectors by "sharp".


Basic Configuration for WinXP install:

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...04&postcount=49 Mini How to Setup...by Ed...


Basic Memory Configuration Guide:

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11397 DFI NF4 Memory Setup Guide by johnr66...


The real way to clear the CMOS:

http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...702&postcount=4 DFI official method to clear cmos.


Sir, you will need to avail yourself of this sort of information and bring your setttings and components into compliance or in fact you will feel the board is defected when in fact it is not as the people who spent the time to write up these guides have proven in their own moves to stability and speed on a very tweakable type enthusiast board. Thank you.



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Thanks for the information, my PSU should be plenty beefy enough and it had good recommendations from people I knew and in reviews on Newegg.


All power connections to the board are connected properly.


I'll go through that memory guide later tonight.


I don't think this is an issue with the board, I'm suspecting it's either a driver conflict or a CPU frequency or RAM voltage issue; I'm just trying to get some idea about isolating which it is.



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This right here is your most likely cause> """2x512mb Corsair PC3200 Memory""".


Look in here for ANY post related by user name > Sharp < and has him linked to Corsair memory. In other words search forum > Keyword "corsair" > user name = Sharp.


He has helped a number of people get better results or even running with Corsair memory or at least a better number than was before they followed exactly his instructions.



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Another question:


I winflashed to the 6-23 BIOS, but I saw a comment about the 6-15 BIOS(?) being unreliable? Should I flash back to the 3-10 bios?


Also, to clarify, while my memory is Corsair, it's their XMS version:



Not the bargain-basement value RAM.


I understand it might still be a problem, but it's not cheapy cheapy RAM either.

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IRQL not less or equal are not related to IRQ at all. IRQ conflicts are not a problem anymore under winXP. This is NOT WINBLOWS 98 :D


But seriously, they are either a driver messing around (usually the vidcard driver)

Try to take note of the whole error message next time, it will help to pinpoint what could be your problem. You didn't mention neither if your system was overclock or not, either mobo, cpu , videocard... This kind of errors sometimes happens when you are overclocking too far with not enough voltage, or simple..... just TOO FAR.


Did you try to run memtest on your ram, mostly test #5 and #8 ?

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623-3 bios, 2.9v dram, dram response time=fastest, solved my dual channel Corsair memory problems, as you can see by my sig, the timings are better ( 2,2,5,2) than they're rated at. (2.5,3,6,3) for AMD. This is my first build and overclocking is all new to me so I'm probably not moving things around enough, but unfortunately this memory doesn't seem to have much headroom. I've relaxed the timings to DFI default 2.5,3,8,3 and Corsairs stated timings. I'ved moved a few voltages and things around and all I could get was 207MHz. Oh well, I'm looking at better memory. I knew there were issues with it, from this site after I ordered it, but didn't want to hold up my build. Live and learn. It's been a lot of fun. I love this board and am addicted to this site. Thanks

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