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nf4 ultra-d problems

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Hi all

Came down this morning and my puter won't boot ......stuck at three lights so i thought ram has died so i tried another set same prob and again with my friends g-skill anyway tried a few thing and no joy then i thought 1 last try and it booted, went to the bios to set memtest and rebooted and guess what ....three lights i'm a bit lost as what it might be?


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Guest Kronos

Have you tried toning down your OC? Maybe run at stock speed for a bit? I would definitely focus on your RAM.

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Have you tried toning down your OC? Maybe run at stock speed for a bit? I would definitely focus on your RAM.

I cant get past the 3 the lights and to date i've tried 3 sets of ram 2 known good

i'm wondering if it could be a slot prob?

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Try tuning your computer down to stock settings (optimized defaults) first.


Then try with one stick in slot 2 and see. How high voltage are U runing?


We need some more input to troublshoot U.

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Try tuning your computer down to stock settings (optimized defaults) first.


Then try with one stick in slot 2 and see. How high voltage are U runing?


We need some more input to troublshoot U.

I can't get as far as the bios.........!!!!!!!

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Power your PC off. Unplug it. Remove the CMOS battery and leave it out for 15 minutes. Before you put the battery back in, remove one stick of memory from the board (make sure only one stick is plugged in) Put the battery back in and plug in your pc. Turn it back on and voila.... or not. Good luck!

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ok done that and get one of 2 things happen i either get to three lights and the nothing or my puter loop (cycles) 4 lights -> 3lights->4lights ->3lights ect this is really doing my head in :confused:

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pull one vid card and one stick of ram (leaving a stick in the orange slot closest to the edge of the board)


try powering up


if that doesnt work, pull the top vid card (closest to cpu) and leave the bottom vid card and try powering up with a single stick of RAM (always clearing cmos for at least 30 seconds between each attempt)


if that doesn't work, reset your SLI jumpers back to original (single card) and use the bottom PCI-E vid card and a single stick of RAM


(ie: try all combinations...I had to fight one of these one day that got sorta messed up in SLI mode and it took a different vid card + fooling with the SLI jumpers and using the second PCI-E slot to get it all back on track, then it all went back together in SLI mode etc after getting the bios flashed to 5/10-2)

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