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New and Improved Sig


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Got the new and improved sig going for me.


Does it still make my butt look too big? :nod:


fine work by londondeejayz (Danny). Big thank you and thumbs up!

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Thanks cronocrash :)


I dated a waitress in Crapsburgh, NY. Had a big butt too. Last name was Widet.


(hehehe, remember the old SNL "wide-et" sketches with Dan Akroyd)

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(hehehe, remember the old SNL "wide-et" sketches with Dan Akroyd)

uhm.... i musta missed that one. heh, any old snls i would have had to have caught on cassette. like the 'bassomatic' and stuff. or the one with cereal that was rocks. heh good stuff.


crapsburgh is not a real place, it's really plattsburgh. it's kinda crappy. crapsburgh is the polite version of another name.


i dont know any Widets. *get's phonebook* hehe j/k. man, there's no girls to date here, you must have been mighty lucky to find one. i swear if i hear "like whatever" one more time im gonna punch someone.


when were up in these parts sound?

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