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[Resolved] Computer won't start up: Verifying DMI problem...

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My computer has been stable for the last 2+ months since I built it. Last night, I installed software to update my iPod. When I restarted, I clicked on "Start" to get to the software. When I did this, the computer restarted itself. When it restarted, it gives the message:


Verifying DMI Pool Data.....

Boot from CD :


NVIDIA Boot Agent 202.0467

{copyright info}


PXE-E61 : Media Test Failure, check cable

PXE-M0F : Exiting NVIDIA Boot Agent




When I insert my Windows XP disk (which I have been using as my system disk if needed), it brings up the following message:


Boot from CD :


Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration...



Then the screen goes black and does nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first build, and I have absolutely no idea how to fix this problem.




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The BIOS version dated 01/25/05 has an issue with USB storage devices.

The PC will not boot when a USB storage device is plugged in.


So what happens if you remove the Ipod?

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I've removed the iPod, and it still isn't working. If I boot with it plugged in, does that change the boot device? If so, hopefully I can get into the BIOS to change it.

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I'm not sure what an "overclocked" usbport.sys file is, so I guess my answer is no! At least, I hope so. Though, come to think of it, the iPod was plugged into the Firewire port.

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Ok... I went into the BIOS and was able to change the boot order, and now my computer is working again. Evidently when I booted with the iPod plugged in, it reset the boot order, placing the iPod (removable drive) as the first drive in the boot sequence. HOWEVER, I now have a HUGE problem. I had 2 drives in RAID (striping), and when the computer restarted, it somehow removed the RAID. I enabled the RAID (didn't have to change any other settings other than Enabling it in BIOS), but I can't see anything on the drive. When I look at the drive through My Computer, it isn't empty -- about 30+ gigs are taken, which is correct. However, nothing shows up. When I try to play music from iTunes, it can't find the files. HOW DO I RESTORE THESE FILES?!?!?! I'm running the Windows error-checking right now... does anyone have any suggestions???

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